xyuanmu / XX-Mini

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最近总是在下载这个eastlist出错,是出了什么问题吗? #146

Open yychenhengyu opened 6 years ago

yychenhengyu commented 6 years ago

[INFO] try download 'https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistchina.txt' to update pacfile 多次出现这行提示,然后就开始出错了 [WARNING] parse request fail:)? [WARNING] unhandler cmd:None path:mtalk.google.com:5228 from:

xyuanmu commented 6 years ago


yychenhengyu commented 6 years ago


xyuanmu commented 6 years ago

能贴完整的日志我看一下吗,就从那个 try download 开始 或者在 manual.ini 里加上下面代码,关闭pac广告屏蔽功能,不影响pac使用:

admode = 0
hanq0110 commented 6 years ago




错误:JSON 解析错误。 已取消导入模式订阅 订阅的哈希值不正确。 接收模式订阅时发生未知错误。


yychenhengyu commented 6 years ago

Oct 20 18:53:26.905 - [INFO] try download 'https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistchina.txt' to update pacfile Oct 20 18:54:21.458 - [INFO] PACServer from: GET /proxy.pac Oct 20 18:54:21.463 - [INFO] try download 'https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistchina.txt' to update pacfile Oct 20 18:54:30.601 - [INFO] PACServer from: GET /proxy.pac Oct 20 18:54:30.604 - [INFO] try download 'https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistchina.txt' to update pacfile Oct 20 18:54:50.278 - [INFO] PACServer from: GET /proxy.pac Oct 20 18:54:50.280 - [INFO] try download 'https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistchina.txt' to update pacfile Oct 20 18:54:55.854 - [INFO] PACServer from: GET /proxy.pac Oct 20 18:54:55.859 - [INFO] try download 'https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistchina.txt' to update pacfile Oct 20 18:55:12.072 - [WARNING] parse request fail:)?

Oct 20 18:55:12.077 - [WARNING] unhandler cmd:None path:mtalk.google.com:5228 from: Oct 20 18:55:32.743 - [INFO] good ip num:397, bad ip num:35 Oct 20 18:55:40.726 - [WARNING] parse request fail:)?

Oct 20 18:55:40.731 - [WARNING] unhandler cmd:None path:mtalk.google.com:5228 from: Oct 20 18:55:42.827 - [INFO] good ip num:389, bad ip num:43 Oct 20 18:56:22.450 - [WARNING] parse request fail:)?

Oct 20 18:56:22.455 - [WARNING] unhandler cmd:None path:mtalk.google.com:5228 from: Oct 20 18:56:47.382 - [INFO] good ip num:396, bad ip num:36 Oct 20 18:56:57.391 - [INFO] good ip num:386, bad ip num:46


yychenhengyu commented 6 years ago

Oct 20 19:12:09.193 - [INFO] PACServer from: GET /proxy.pac Oct 20 19:12:09.241 - [INFO] try download 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gfwlist/gfwlist/master/gfwlist.txt' to update pacfile Oct 20 19:12:09.325 - [INFO] PACServer from: GET /proxy.pac Oct 20 19:12:09.341 - [INFO] try download 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gfwlist/gfwlist/master/gfwlist.txt' to update pacfile Oct 20 19:12:11.796 - [WARNING] parse request fail:)?

Oct 20 19:12:11.821 - [WARNING] unhandler cmd:None path:mtalk.google.com:5228 from: Oct 20 19:12:33.577 - [WARNING] parse request fail:)?

Oct 20 19:12:33.580 - [WARNING] unhandler cmd:None path:mtalk.google.com:5228 from:


xyuanmu commented 6 years ago

可能是DNS污染吧 我这里开了IP6才能正常使用,也能正常下载,IP4已经全挂了测试不了 如果不影响正常使用可以不理它的。

yychenhengyu commented 6 years ago


xyuanmu commented 6 years ago

在 manual.ini 加入下面的代码可以关闭pac的更新

enable = 0

不过我觉得应该是IP失效了,不是DNS污染,打开 debuginfo 可以看到IP全部是 timeout,此时 good_ip.txt 是不会更新的,但实际上那些IP全都失效了,可以试试开启IPv6来使用

yychenhengyu commented 6 years ago

不是应该加入这个么。。。 [pac] enable = 0 不过不管是0还是1,都还是打不开网页,1的话就卡在更新PAC那,0的话任何动静都没有,日志完全不刷新了。 怎么样开启IPv6来使用?

xyuanmu commented 6 years ago


yychenhengyu commented 6 years ago


yychenhengyu commented 6 years ago

。。。无语,明明IPV6用的好好的,为什么最近开始提示我“network IPv6 fail”,然后死活上不去

AnyWAT commented 5 years ago

1.3.3版虽有“network IPv6 fail”但隧道正常,代理正常