xyxiao001 / vue-cropper

A simple picture clipping plugin for vue
MIT License
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vue2.2.6 怎么只有裁剪框 没有图片 #1

Closed 617450941 closed 7 years ago

617450941 commented 7 years ago

vue2.2.6 怎么只有裁剪框 没有图片

xyxiao001 commented 7 years ago


xyxiao001 commented 7 years ago

图片支持url 和 base64传入

617450941 commented 7 years ago

我看到img 那个标签有个display:none的属性

617450941 commented 7 years ago
xyxiao001 commented 7 years ago

<vueCropper ref="cropper2" :img="example2.img" :outputSize="example2.size" :outputType="example2.outputType" :info="example2.info" :canScale="example2.canScale" :autoCrop="example2.autoCrop" :autoCropWidth="example2.width" :autoCropHeight="example2.height"

需要传入img 你传入没

617450941 commented 7 years ago

确定传了img url

617450941 commented 7 years ago

    example: {
      img: 'http://ofyaji162.bkt.clouddn.com/bg1.jpg',
      info: false,
      size: 1,
      outputType: 'jpeg',
      canScale: false,
      autoCrop: true,
      autoCropWidth: 300,
      autoCropHeight: 250,
xyxiao001 commented 7 years ago

页面截图看看, 还有控制台有错吗

617450941 commented 7 years ago

截图如下 http://wxyx.hbgeek.com/issues/1.png http://wxyx.hbgeek.com/issues/2.png http://wxyx.hbgeek.com/issues/3.png http://wxyx.hbgeek.com/issues/4.png

617450941 commented 7 years ago

已经是按照demo复制过来 还是一样不行

xyxiao001 commented 7 years ago

容器需要设置高度 和 宽度

xyxiao001 commented 7 years ago


617450941 commented 7 years ago


xyxiao001 commented 7 years ago


617450941 commented 7 years ago

再问个问题 执行this.$refs.cropper.getCropDate() 浏览器报这个错误Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'toDataURL' on 'HTMLCanvasElement': Tainted canvases may not be exported. 是怎么回事

xyxiao001 commented 7 years ago

这个是图片跨域的问题 我看看去

617450941 commented 7 years ago


617450941 commented 7 years ago


xyxiao001 commented 7 years ago

我等下推送个新版本上去, 你到时更新下就好, 等会我告诉你,

617450941 commented 7 years ago

好 谢谢 npm同步更新的吗?

xyxiao001 commented 7 years ago

已经解决了 this.$refs.cropper.getCropDate((data) => { // do something console.log(data)
}) 你现在需要异步获取 截图的数据 需要更新到0.09版本

617450941 commented 7 years ago

不行 还是报Access to Image at 'http://localhost:81/Public/Uploads/Model/Album/2017-06-13/593f632d64911.jpg' from origin 'http://localhost:8080' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8080' is therefore not allowed access. 这个错误

617450941 commented 7 years ago

已经是升到0.09版本 问题依然存在

xyxiao001 commented 7 years ago

你不能这样用本地的图片 因为图片跨域是需要后台允许, 你要使用本地图片, 请用上传的方式

xyxiao001 commented 7 years ago

第一个例子里面有上传的例子 和写法

xyxiao001 commented 7 years ago


xyxiao001 commented 7 years ago

https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/HTML/CORS_enabled_image 你必须有一个可以对图片响应正确 Access-Control-Allow-Origin 响应头的服务器。你可以使用以下片段 (来自 HTML5 Boilerplate Apache server configs) 实现正确响应头。 所以不能直接使用本地地址