xyzz / acquisition
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LOGIN ERROR with steam ID #566

Open ahmad-aljabban opened 3 years ago

ahmad-aljabban commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to login to acquisition using steam ID but it says "Incorrect login"

can anyone help :3

PiedPiper11 commented 3 years ago

I'm having the same issue and I don't know of a fix but there is a workaround.

Go to poe's main page and sign in there. Hit F12 on your browser and check under Storage/Cookies. Look for the PossessID and copy that value into Acquisition. You should be able to sign in with the PossessID from there

davidjehohaz commented 3 years ago

@PiedPiper11 sorry to tell you,i tried using the session id and it connected but refuses to update items to the shop

i'll have you know that i have a steam account connected to steam app,i tried logging in with it on acquisition and it tell me that ign/password incorrect. kept checking my password and ign and kept trying trying hundreds of time but nothing works also i have steam account and email linked to poe website,i also opened a thread in forum /trade/heist league-selling/David shop i also messaged poexyzis ,took the link he gave me and connected to acquisition somehow with session ID,succefully linked the link to acquistion,but when i try setting items on shop,it constantly give me this message:

ERROR 2020-11-04T12:15:41.329 Can't update shop -- cannot extract CSRF token from the page. Check if thread ID is valid. If you're using Steam to login make sure you use the same login method (steam or login/password) in Acquisition, Path of Exile website and Path of Exile game client. For example, if you created a shop thread while using Steam to log into the website and then logged into Acquisition with login/password it will not work. In this case you should either recreate your shop thread or use a correct login method in Acquisition.

@xyzz plz help us man,i feel hopeless now