xzfc / agar-expose

Yet another ogar client
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Packet scrambling? #38

Open ghost opened 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

It seam agar use a new decryption methode !

ghost commented 7 years ago

protocol 13

ZfsrGhS953 commented 7 years ago

@lefela4 As it turns out, the packets aren't encrypted at all, but the agar.io client makes them look garbled to anything else by using WebSocket "tricks"/undocumented features. I looked at the packets through Wireshark and they look normal from there. The bots can be fixed creating your own WebSocket library using node.js's TCP APIs

ghost commented 7 years ago

@ZfsrGhS953 How can we make a WebSocket library?

ZfsrGhS953 commented 7 years ago

@lefela4 By using node.js's TCP APIs and implementing the protocol according to this documentation. But first, we need to capture the packets using Wireshark. When implementing the protocol, don't forget to prevent the MASK flag from being read, because that's what causes the packets to become garbled.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@ZfsrGhS953 Ok, so if I understand we need to make a new WebSocket library using TCP APIs and implement the protocol using the documentation you send. What we need to do whit the captured packet ? And what the packet 241 is for ?

ZfsrGhS953 commented 7 years ago

@lefela4 We will make a new agario-client with the captured packets we find. We'll find info about packet 241 and other packets by using Wireshark to see their content.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@ZfsrGhS953 Ok, I already fixed everything on the protocol 9 so can we take mine ? It send the good packet 255 each time it reset. Do you have a skype account or something ?

ZfsrGhS953 commented 7 years ago

@lefela4 But agar.io runs on protocol 13.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@ZfsrGhS953 Yes, I know it the same protocol, in the protocol 11 they added the capcha. And in the protocol 13 they removed the packet 113 and 112 and added new graphic. If you want, I wrote the protocol there : https://github.com/lefela4/Agar.io-client-v3/blob/master/protocole.md

ghost commented 7 years ago

@ZfsrGhS953 Do it possible the incomming message are SHA-1 and base64 encoded ?

ZfsrGhS953 commented 7 years ago

@lefela4 Yes. Did you find a decoder?

ghost commented 7 years ago

@ZfsrGhS953 Yes. We can also use the one in the agar.io core ? in agar.io/mc/agario.js

ZfsrGhS953 commented 7 years ago

@lefela4 Yes. But we need to find packets first, before we can try to decode them. Use wireshark.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@ZfsrGhS953 what do you mean ? You need some scrambled packet ?

ZfsrGhS953 commented 7 years ago

@lefela4 We need the exact opposite - unscrambled packets. Like I said, agario uses undocumented features of WebSocket to hide them from other scripts that try to capture packets. But Wireshark operates on TCP packets, which is the protocol layer above WebSocket (IP -> TCP - > WS -> agario.js). Therefore it can capture the packets before they get scrambled

ghost commented 7 years ago

@ZfsrGhS953 Ok now i undertand

ghost commented 7 years ago

@ZfsrGhS953 So I found those packet : 1f fa 6a 20 e0 12 63 30 e0 e2 d8 98 37 39 84 d8 1f 1d 8e dd 1f 1d db 20 e0 e2 6a 20 e0 e2 6a The byte 0x1f is the opcode 255.

I tryed whit the AES decryption methode. Everytime, I am getting the packet 33. Maybe it a part of it. The key are 1073733539 3797345567 3768189413 13

1073733539 is the UINT32 of the packet 241 (old key of the protocol 9) 3797345567 is the UINT32 of the packet 255. 3768189413 is the result of a aesrotator key. 13 is the protocol version that is what i get : AES: 336cccb1a07a72281d320adf3cb3584f3559d6ba6dfb46d701b54bae55cc42

ORIGINAL : 1f fa 6a 20 e0 12 63 30 e0 e2 d8 98 37 39 84 d8 1f 1d 8e dd 1f 1d db 20 e0 e2 6a 20 e0 e2 6a

if 33 is 1f whit the key 3797345567. I think we need to do an other decryption type ? Maybe it a new prosses ?

ghost commented 7 years ago

@ZfsrGhS953 Sorry i make a fail. It was the same cmd ^^ How wireshare use to unscramble the TCP packet ?

ghost commented 7 years ago

this is a presidential debate in the making

ghost commented 7 years ago


ghost commented 7 years ago

@ZfsrGhS953 I just found what decoder agar.io use. I think they use the Unserialiser for the incomming packet. It use BASE64 and MD5 or SHA1. In agario.js you can look for nt["haxe.Serializer"] and nt["haxe.Unserializer"]. I thing we need to run the core out in node js and call those function.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@ZfsrGhS953 There : https://haxe.org/manual/std-serialization.html we can found the documentary. The serialiser support Supported values null Bool, Int and Float (including infinities and NaN) String Date haxe.io.Bytes (encoded as base64) Array and List haxe.ds.StringMap, haxe.ds.IntMap and haxe.ds.ObjectMap anonymous structures Haxe class instances (not native ones) enum instances

Serializer API : http://api.haxe.org/haxe/Serializer.html Unserializer API : http://api.haxe.org/haxe/Unserializer.html

I found an alternative : https://www.npmjs.com/package/hron

ZfsrGhS953 commented 7 years ago

@lefela4 Great! Now we can get the Wireshark and get ALL packets! Download it here!

ghost commented 7 years ago

@ZfsrGhS953 So, how can we bypass it ?

ghost commented 7 years ago

@ZfsrGhS953 Why you send a virus to my firend..

ZfsrGhS953 commented 7 years ago

@lefela4 Oh sorry, it's not me it's The website which I uploaded it too. Maybe try from here

ghost commented 7 years ago

@ZfsrGhS953 No it good I will try on the original website

ghost commented 7 years ago

anyone got unmangled V72 source code?

ghost commented 7 years ago

@XtremePlayzCODE what?

ghost commented 7 years ago

@lefela4 the v72 source (this repo) has random function names like xc wc ba

ghost commented 7 years ago

@XtremePlayzCODE and ?..

ghost commented 7 years ago

@lefela4 i want more descriptive function names ._.

ghost commented 7 years ago

for debugging purposes

ghost commented 7 years ago

@XtremePlayzCODE Oh,

ghost commented 7 years ago

@ZfsrGhS953 You are wrong. In wireshark they are encrypted

ghost commented 7 years ago

so you don't have it

StrikerJS commented 7 years ago

u wot

ghost commented 7 years ago


StrikerJS commented 7 years ago

sry no xddddddddd xaxaxaxaxa

ghost commented 7 years ago


StrikerJS commented 7 years ago


ZfsrGhS953 commented 7 years ago

@lefela4 In the unpatched version, that is? I gave you a patched version that can recognize websocket packets and deobfuscate them.

StrikerJS commented 7 years ago

Zfsr Dont rat me xd

StrikerJS commented 7 years ago

U fucking asshole its a virus BAT/Forkbomb.A

StrikerJS commented 7 years ago

stored in temp

ghost commented 7 years ago

@ZfsrGhS953 Not it a virus

ghost commented 7 years ago

Oh fucker @ZfsrGhS953

ghost commented 7 years ago

@ZfsrGhS953 I figured out agar.io bots. I have working bots on the protocol 13.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Yep guys ! Agar.io bots is simple to make ;)

ghost commented 7 years ago

Holy shit I want beta access @lefela4