xzkostyan / clickhouse-sqlalchemy

ClickHouse dialect for SQLAlchemy
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LIMIT BY & FINAL are lost in SQLAlchemy 1.4 #198

Open nolar opened 1 year ago

nolar commented 1 year ago

First of all, thanks for the library! It is really helpful and easy to use!

Describe the bug

When using .limit_by(...) with SQLAclhemy 1.4, it is lost in the final SQL query.

To Reproduce

from clickhouse_sqlalchemy import engines, types, get_declarative_base, make_session
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData, Column, String, Table
from sqlalchemy import Column, PrimaryKeyConstraint

url = 'clickhouse+native://default:default@clickhouse:9000'
engine = create_engine(url, echo=True)
metadata = MetaData(bind=engine)
ClickHouseBase = get_declarative_base(metadata=metadata)

class MyTable(ClickHouseBase):
    fld = Column(types.UInt32())
    __tablename__ = "mytable"
    __table_args__ = (

ch = make_session(engine)#.__enter__()

q = ch.query(MyTable.fld).limit_by([MyTable.fld], 1)

Expected behavior

The LIMIT BY clause should be rendered in the SQL:

SELECT mytable.fld AS mytable_fld FROM mytable LIMIT 1 BY mytable.fld

Observed in SA1.4:

SELECT mytable.fld AS mytable_fld FROM mytable

Observed in SA1.3 (as expected):

SELECT mytable.fld AS mytable_fld FROM mytable LIMIT %(param_1)s BY mytable.fld


Versions for SA1.4 (where it fails):

pip install clickhouse_sqlalchemy==0.2.2 sqlalchemy==1.4.40

Versions for SA1.3 (where it worked):

pip install clickhouse_sqlalchemy==0.1.10 sqlalchemy==1.3.10

Python 3.9.7.

nolar commented 1 year ago

PS: Using select() gives the same results:

from clickhouse_sqlalchemy import select
q = select(MyTable.fld).limit_by([MyTable.fld], 1)
# SELECT mytable.fld FROM mytable
nolar commented 1 year ago

I am not a big expert on SQLAlchemy's internals. But if that would be helpful, the loss of the LimitByClause happens in ORMSelectCompileState._setup_for_generate(): the incoming self.select_statement (of type Select, not Query) contains the LimitByClause, the outgoing self.statement does not contain it — all during a visit_select() call.

Looking at how the new Select is constructed in ORMSelectCompileState._simple_statement(), it seems it only passes specific clauses, not the custom ones.

I guess there should be a method or a hook to intercept and modify to include the limit_by=…, but I could not find any good place for that :-(

nolar commented 1 year ago

To the extent of my SQLAlchemy incompetence, this dirty hack "solves" the problem. Though I have no idea why it works and how it works, I just randomly added a few pieces together. I also have no idea what to do with it next — it might be very specific for my environment setup.

from sqlalchemy.orm.context import ORMSelectCompileState
from sqlalchemy.sql.base import CompileState

@CompileState.plugin_for("orm", "select")
class ClickHouseORMSelectCompileState(ORMSelectCompileState):
    A dirty hack to fix the SQLAlchemy 1.4 + ClickHouse ORM integration.

    Read more: https://github.com/xzkostyan/clickhouse-sqlalchemy/issues/198
    def create_for_statement(cls, statement, compiler, **kw):
        state = super().create_for_statement(statement, compiler, **kw)

        # Also, maybe: _with_totals, _array_join, sample_clause(_sample).
        # See: ``clickhouse_sqlalchemy.orm.query:Query._compile_context()``
        for key, clause_key in (('_final', '_final_clause'), ('_limit_by', '_limit_by_clause')):
            if key in statement.__dict__:  # for session.query(…).final().limit_by(…)
                state.statement.__dict__[clause_key] = statement.__dict__[key]
            if clause_key in statement.__dict__:  # for select(…).final().limit_by(…)
                state.statement.__dict__[clause_key] = statement.__dict__[clause_key]

        return state

q = ch.query(MyTable.fld).final().limit_by([MyTable.fld], 1)
# SELECT mytable.fld AS mytable_fld
# FROM mytable
# FINAL LIMIT %(param_1)s BY mytable.fld

q = select(MyTable.fld).final().limit_by([MyTable.fld], 1)
# SELECT mytable.fld
# FROM mytable
# FINAL LIMIT %(param_1)s BY mytable.fld
gtoonstra commented 1 year ago

What is passed to the compiler is not actually the query object, not sure if that changed:


It is a statement object that is passed into the clickhouse compiler object. Somewhere in SQLAlchemy 1.4, some copy is made, losing clickhouse specific attributes:


attributes on the clickhouse Query object are set here:


The str() implementation of the sqlalchemy Query object:


Not sure if str(q) is used anywhere, but it could be the key to resolving it. Probably also means that none of the other clickhouse specific statements work.

gtoonstra commented 1 year ago

What ends up happening:

Probably in SQLAlchemy 1.4, this is needed:


Looking into that. Hopefully I can raise a PR for it.

gtoonstra commented 1 year ago

@xzkostyan : Do you have any idea? There are definitely some changes introduced in 1.4 that break the internal SQL Compiler.

This file no longer overrides select create:


maybe because they started using different methods for that now:


Tried overriding that, but didn't work.

gtoonstra commented 1 year ago

@xzkostyan Do you have any idea, or are we using this wrong?

limony-city commented 6 months ago

Any updates? Still there in SQLAclhemy 2.0