xzos / PyZDDE

Zemax/ OpticStudio Extension using Python
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add numpy interface for arrayTrace functions #64

Open rhambach opened 8 years ago

rhambach commented 8 years ago

Dear Indranil Sinharoy,

first, thanks a lot for this great project! I have used the arrayTrace() functionality for my work. Recently, I have added some functions that use numpy arrays as arguments and pass them directly to the DLL. This reduces the overhead of the python wrapper considerably. Minor bugs have been fixed too. Maybe you find these additions useful.

Best regards, Ralf Hambach.


indranilsinharoy commented 8 years ago

Dear Ralf Hambach,

This is too good! Thank you very much. I have quickly taken a look at your additions, and all of it look really nice. Over the next few days I will try to understand the additions/changes in more details and merge them into the main branch. (I am a little short on time at the moment as I am trying to finish my thesis).

I am very sure that so many people will really love this.

Thank you very much once again.

Best regards, Indranil.

indranilsinharoy commented 8 years ago

Dear Ralf Hambach,

I am extremely sorry that I haven't gotten around to merge your excellent pull request yet. I have been keeping really very busy. I assure you that your pull request is not out of my mind. I will get to it ASAP. I hope you will understand.

Thank you, Best regards, Indranil.

rhambach commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your notice. There is really no problem. All the best, Ralf.

indranilsinharoy commented 8 years ago

I need to do some extra work to merge the new code (which are great, by the way) seamlessly into the existing PyZDDE code base without breaking old code. I am working on it locally, but will take some time (as I am currently very busy with my thesis). [This is mostly a reminder to myself that I have to do this work when I get some bandwidth]

Things that needs attention (I will add more as I understand more):

  1. The module arraytrace has been removed (more specifically, the file arraytrace.py has been removed under the directory pyzdde). Instead, there are two new mechanisms for array based ray tracing -- either using the module arraytrace.raystruct_interface or using arraytrace.numpy_interface. The module arraytrace.raystruct_interface essentially contains all the functions from arraytrace.py. As a consequence, old code trying to do import pyzdde.arraytrace as at will fail. One solution could be to reintroduce arraytrace.py under pyzdde. This will just act as a wrapper module that will either automatically (if Numpy presence is detected) or otherwise dispatch calls to either arraytrace.raystruct_interface or arraytrace.numpy_interface
bauman3 commented 8 years ago

Sorry for my newbie-ishness, but does this mean that if I installed PyZDDE within the last couple weeks (which I have) that arraytrace will not work? I'm guessing that this is true because my kernel freezes up when I try to call zArrayTrace. I have to admit that I don't understand the workarounds.

indranilsinharoy commented 8 years ago

@bauman3 I haven't not merged the changes from @rhambach to the main branch yet (as I explained above ... it will take a little more work). So, the problem that you seeing is certainly not due to the numpy interface. I have observed that some times (I have faced this about 3-4 times) the array tracing module just doesn't respond (I am really not sure why this happens). But, restarting my computer resolved the problem each time. I have written about it here #63 . Please restart and try.

rhambach commented 7 years ago

Dear Indranil Sinharoy,

after switching to python 3, I understood your problems with the proposed code in this pull request. I updated the code to run on my Windows machine with python 2.7, and 3.4. I also tested the DDE link with Zemax 13 and ZOS 16.5. Attached to this message, you will find the compiled code for 64bit systems, in case the compilation makes problems: pyzdde/arraytrace/x64/Release/ArrayTrace.dll (download: x64.zip).

I hope this makes it easier to incorporate the changes... Best regards, Ralf.

PS. The conflicts arise as I also had the problem with the regexp's for float numbers being too tight in zGetPOP(). I solved this issue sligtly different by using a general regexp proposed by http://docs.python.org/2/library/re.html#simulating-scanf. In principle this might be done similarly in other file input functions, too.

Summary what works and what does not work on my machine:


Does not work

failed unittest Zemax 13 ZOS 16.5 comment
pyZDDEunittest.py test_zModifySettings self.ln.zModifySettings(sfilename,'UN1_OPERAND', 'ZERN') returns -2 (incorrect version number)
arrayTraceTest.py test_zGetTraceArrayOPD test_zGetTraceArrayOPD Test fails for real raytrace. The DDE arrayTrace function from Zemax does not return surface normal if OPD is requested.
arrayTraceTest.py test_zGetTraceDirectNumpy test_zGetTraceDirectRaystruct ZOS 16.5 handles error and vigcodes different using either single raytrace or arraytrace.
indranilsinharoy commented 7 years ago

Hi @rhambach ,

Thank you very much for all your effort. I promise to dedicate some time this weekend to try to understand and integrate your pull request. I'll most likely need your help; and I'm sorry that I wasn't able to merge your earlier pull-request. Thank you so much for your time and second pull-request.

Best regards, Indranil.