Open EricGuo5513 opened 1 year ago
Hi, thanks for asking! For the 1st question, yes, the obj files are obtained from pkl files. No transformations are needed.
For question 2, scene_downsampled.ply is downsampled from textured_output.obj. You can simply open them together in meshlab to verify that. For the transformations, essentially, there are 3 coordinate systems: the smplx coordinate system (from mocap device), the gaze coordinate system (from hololens2), the scene coordinate system (from 3D scanner). In, what we are doing is transforming smplx to the scene coordinate space: $$X{scene} = W{p2s}sXp$$ where s is the scale factor, and $W{pose2scene}=[R|t]$ transforms the scaled smplx vertex $X_p$ to the 3D scene space. In, basically we are doing similar things, but there are several points to pay attention to: (1) the 3D scene points are transformed into the canonical space using transform_norm.txt such that the pointnet++ backbone can extract more informative features. Thus, aligning smplx to the transformed scene is as follows: $$X_{scene}' = WnX{scene}=WnW{p2s}sX_p=[R_n|t_n][R|t]sXp$$ Note that this equals to: $$1/sX{scene}' = [R_n|t_n/s][R|t/s]X_p$$ (2) In we don't use smplx vertex $X_p$, and instead we use the global translation, orientation and latent vector to represent smplx poses. So we transform the global orientation $R_g$ and translation $t_g$ using the above equation, since $X_p=[R_g|tg]X{local}$.
So you can see in we don't scale the smplx, but we rescale the 3D scene (we don't scale global translation and orientation). That's why 1/scale. While in, we simply rescale smplx vertex since it's easier and we only want to visualize. Both transformations aim to align smplx and the scene and essentially they are doing the same thing.
Hi, I really appreciate your detailed reply. It helps me a lot.
Hi, thanks for your great assets. I am trying to align the smplx parameters with the scene world. I have a few questions after looking into and I am not an expert in 3D transformation, hope you don't mind my "silly" questions:
I feel some parts in and are not consistent:
I know these are A LOT of questions. I would greatly appreciate it if you could help clarify this. I believe these can also be helpful for other beginner to use this dataset.