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PHP Laravel Test #19

Closed y12studio closed 9 years ago

y12studio commented 10 years ago

5-say/laravel-4.1-simple-blog neoxia/laravel4-angularjs-security Laravel - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans. Building a Customer Management App Using AngularJS and Laravel - Tuts+ Code Tutorial Laravel 4 & AngularJS E2E secured SPA | Neoxia.com

y12studio commented 10 years ago

ubuntu + apache

$ sudo apt-get install php5-mysql php5-sqlite php5-mcrypt  php5-json
$ sudo php5enmod mcrypt
$ git clone https://github.com/5-say/laravel-4.1-simple-blog /var/www/sblog
$ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/sblog
$ cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
        #DocumentRoot /var/www/html
        DocumentRoot /var/www/sblog/public
        <Directory "/var/www/sblog/public">
            Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
            AllowOverride All
$ sudo a2enmod rewrite
$ sudo service apache2 restart
$ cd /var/www/sblog
$ composer install
y12studio commented 10 years ago

andrewelkins/Laravel-4-Bootstrap-Starter-Site Laravel 4 - simple website with backend tutorial - Part 1 - CodeForest Creating a Blog Using Laravel 4 Part 1: Models and Seeding | CodeHeaps