y20k / transistor

Transistor - Simple Radio App for Android
MIT License
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why creates a .nomedia file #370

Closed loki666 closed 2 years ago

loki666 commented 2 years ago


y20k commented 2 years ago

Uhhm... I think I wanted to prevent the system indexing any m3u files on older versions of Android that allowed the system to index files in the External Files directory. Not sure, if that is really needed anymore - or frankly, if it ever was.

loki666 commented 2 years ago

I understand but this is abusing the write permissions given to the app

Edit. I was fast on this I thought you were installing that file in the root of the SD card.

y20k commented 2 years ago


I anyone reading this is interested: The file is written to /sdcard/Android/data/org.y20k.transistor/files