y252328 / Instagram_Download_Button

Add download button to download media in the post and the story in Instagram
MIT License
231 stars 31 forks source link

Warning, it seems IG detects the script on mobile Firefox #34

Open barthramsay opened 1 year ago

barthramsay commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure how but in the last 2-3 days I'm getting constantly logged out when using Firefox Beta 113 + Tampermonkey + this script.

I tried several workarounds (adding more restrictive uBlock filters and reducing the useragent number to 112) but without any success.

On the desktop it seems more stable but also gets detected after a while.

JenieX commented 1 year ago

From what I gathered over the last few months as I was creating Instagram media scraper script, Instagram periodically generates videos and images urls that are specific to your account.

If you were to access these urls, which happens if you use this user script, they would know and would not like that. In your case, you probably didn't over do it and they were just warning you, when I was trying to scrap media using a script I wrote, my account would get disabled permanently after few hours That is why I'm back using this user script and only downloading few stuff that are very important. 😄

y252328 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the useful feedback. I will add the warning in the readme.