y2s82 / goblin_camp

Dwarf Fortress clone, revisited
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Consider rebasing code without boost #59

Open Pooch11 opened 5 years ago

Pooch11 commented 5 years ago

Consider reworking code to exclude Boost libraries.

Here is another repo that could be of use. Someone tried to revive this game also.

It was built in Arch Linux https://bitbucket.org/veox/goblincamp-ng/src

The build is completely scuffed otherwise, and according to the comments left on some forums - the code base isn't that much better.

y2s82 commented 5 years ago

Interesting. Could you clarify?

This actually is two separate issues:

The referred link was an attempt at the latter, relying more on the system-installed Boost instead of its own custom Boost build.
@veox's goal was to change the build environment:

We had in fact merged his code into our repo. He kept the use of Boost as the library. He just removed the Boost source code from the repository. (Yes, the original repository had a custom source code of Boost in the repository under the folder "/vendor" along with source code for another library called libtcod)

This turned a game designed to run on Windows to not run on Windows at all and run strictly on a specific build of Linux that coincidentally has an identical setup to Travis CI. Well, this is something to work on once we can confirm game running as expected.

Removing Boost entirely would be an interesting thing to do, and something to consider once we have successfully resuscitated the 7-year-dormant project. That said, could you state some of the advantages of doing this?

Please see issue #29 (your link is in fact one of the references) and PR #30

Pooch11 commented 5 years ago

Ah yes I didn't actually see #29 - likely as I was probably working on the same idea. I thought dropping the link might just be helpful because I was still unsuccessful in getting a proper build. It was definitely a similar attempt in resuscitating the build work-flow for the project. I glad it has made its way into the repo.

Using Boost as a tool is definitely the way to go in the long run. I will see if I can build it then with the latest activity going on. :)

y2s82 commented 5 years ago

it currently builds on Travis CI's specific environment. Likely will fail miserably everywhere else. and even when compiled, @rdittrich97 told me that it seg faults.

I'm trying to set up coverity scan to scan (issue #63) through the program and point us to some bugs. Not working yet, though.