y4my4my4m / kde-shader-wallpaper

KDE / Plasma - Shader Wallpaper plugin
GNU General Public License v3.0
224 stars 12 forks source link

Feature request: Parallax wallpaper with virtual desktops. #47

Open jenschurchill opened 2 months ago

jenschurchill commented 2 months ago

Would it be possible to implement a parallax effect when switching virtual desktops?

Something similar to https://github.com/bojidar-bg/plasma-parallax-wallpaper/tree/master ?

Thank you.

Side-note: Could this possibly help prevent OLED burn-in even further, by having a constantly changing background?

y4my4my4m commented 2 months ago

I suppose it is technically possible, but we would need to modify the fed qt_coord1 fed to each shader.

Unfortunately not a priority right now, but could be a nice optional feature to add!