y4my4my4m / kde-shader-wallpaper

KDE / Plasma - Shader Wallpaper plugin
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Several shaders fail to load, instead displaying only black. #52

Open Shoshele opened 2 months ago

Shoshele commented 2 months ago

After logging out and back in again, several shaders that previously did work (including ones distributed with the extension), now only display plain black. Reinstalling the extension does not help. Updating to the latest git commit does not help. journalctl gets spammed with the following two errors 84 times per second. This happens both using the internal AMD iGPU and an external Nvidia graphics card.

plasmashell[5417]: Failed to build graphics pipeline state
plasmashell[5417]: No GLSL shader code found (versions tried:  QList(320, 310, 300, 100) ) in baked shader QShader(stage=4 shaders=QList(ShaderKey(0 Version(100 QFlags()) 0), ShaderKey(1 Version(100 QFlags()) 0), ShaderKey(1 Version(120 QFlags()) 0), ShaderKey(1 Version(150 QFlags()) 0), ShaderKey(2 Version(50 QFlags()) 0), ShaderKey(4 Version(12 QFlags()) 0)) desc.isValid=true)
Anonymous4045 commented 2 months ago

@Shoshele which shaders specifically?

Shoshele commented 2 months ago

The ones that don't work right now are Auroras, Bouncing Circle, Clock, CubeLines, DVD, Dez, Digital Rain, E1M1, All three Earthbounds, FlyOnBuckaroo, Inercia IntendedOne, Inside Matrix, Paint Archipelago, Psychedelic Curlnoise, Space Curvature, Wolfenstein, and WavePropagation_bufferA.

financelurker commented 1 month ago

Is there any update? Or can we somehow provide more information to help to solve that issue? (please instruct what to do to get more logs...)

I am facing the same issue here, using:

Since some shaders work, the digital rain one does not (which I wanted to use).

spencershoe commented 4 weeks ago

Same issue here.

y4my4my4m commented 3 weeks ago

@spencershoe @financelurker https://github.com/y4my4my4m/kde-shader-wallpaper/releases/tag/v3.0.1-plasma6 This is the latest version as of this message.

I've tried a few things but unfortunately haven't been able to recreate this issue. I also have a 4090 using the proprietary drivers so I doubt that's the issue...

Can you try recompiling the shaders changing this version?


Also, perhaps add different/more shader compatibility modes to this? qsb --glsl "100 es,120,150" --hlsl 50 --msl 12 -o MYSHADER.frag.qsb MYSHADER.frag

(reference: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtshadertools-qsb.html )

As far as information, you can get some info if you kill plasmashell pkill plasmashell and reload it in a terminal plasmashell, your terminal should start outputting every log it encounters. It's spewing a lot of stuff though so it's hard to tell what is what, i recommend pressing enter key a lot just before loading the shader that doesn't work.

Feel free to share your log back here so I can take a look with you.

spencershoe commented 3 weeks ago

I ran plasmashell in console, and when i tried to run the earthbound shader this is the error that flooded my console.

No GLSL shader code found (versions tried: QList(320, 310, 300, 100) ) in baked shader QShader(stage=4 shaders=QList(ShaderKey(0 Version(100 QFlags()) 0), ShaderKey(1 Version(120 QFlags()) 0), ShaderKey(1 Version(150 QFlags()) 0), ShaderKey(2 Version(50 QFlags()) 0), ShaderKey(4 Version(12 QFlags()) 0)) desc.isValid=true) Failed to build graphics pipeline state I'll try recompiling the shaders when i have the energy to. It does appear to be a compilation issue.