yAOwzers / ecommerce-app

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Deployment #2

Open yAOwzers opened 1 year ago

yAOwzers commented 1 year ago

Deployment with Docker

How does Docker Work?

Docker is a containerization platform that allows developers to package applications and their dependencies into lightweight, portable containers that can run on any machine with the Docker runtime installed. Here's an overview of how Docker works:

  1. Build a Docker image: Developers create a Docker image, which is a lightweight, standalone executable package that includes everything needed to run an application, such as the code, libraries, and system tools.

  2. Store the Docker image: Docker images are stored in a registry, such as Docker Hub, which is a public repository of Docker images. Private registries can also be used to store and share Docker images within an organization.

  3. Run the Docker container: To run the application, a Docker container is created from the Docker image. A container is a lightweight, isolated runtime environment that runs the application with its own file system, network interface, and other resources.

  4. Docker container networking: Containers can communicate with each other through a shared network, which can be configured using Docker networking tools. Containers can also be exposed to the outside world through ports that are mapped to the host machine.

  5. Manage Docker containers: Docker provides a range of tools for managing containers, including Docker Compose for managing multi-container applications, Docker Swarm for managing container clusters, and Kubernetes for managing container orchestration.

Overall, Docker provides a powerful way to package, deploy, and run applications in a consistent and portable way, making it easier for developers to build and deploy software across different environments and platforms.

How is Docker used in the different Microservices

  1. Package Microservices as Docker images: Each Microservice is packaged as a Docker image, which includes the application code, runtime environment, and any dependencies. This ensures that each Microservice can run in a consistent and isolated environment.

  2. Store Docker images in a registry: The Docker images for each Microservice are stored in a registry, such as Docker Hub or a private registry, where they can be easily accessed and deployed.

  3. Deploy Microservices as Docker containers: To deploy the Microservices, the Docker images are pulled from the registry and run as Docker containers on a host machine or cluster. Each Microservice runs in its own container, which provides isolation and ensures that changes to one Microservice do not affect other Microservices.

  4. Manage Microservices using Docker tools: Docker provides a range of tools for managing containers and containerized applications, such as Docker Compose for managing multi-container applications, Docker Swarm for managing container clusters, and Kubernetes for managing container orchestration.

  5. Scale Microservices using Docker: Docker makes it easy to scale Microservices horizontally by simply running more instances of the Docker container for a particular Microservice. This can be done manually or automatically using Docker orchestration tools, such as Docker Swarm or Kubernetes.

yAOwzers commented 1 year ago


  1. Containerize your inventory services: You can use Docker to containerize your inventory services. This will allow you to deploy your services as independent units that can run on any platform.2.

  2. Create an Elastic Container Registry (ECR): You can use ECR to store and manage your Docker container images. ECR is a fully-managed Docker container registry that makes it easy to store, manage, and deploy Docker container images.

  3. Deploy your services on Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS): You can use Amazon ECS to deploy your Docker containers on a cluster of EC2 instances. ECS is a fully-managed container orchestration service that makes it easy to run and scale Docker containers.

  4. Create an Amazon RDS instance: You can use Amazon RDS to create a managed database instance for your inventory services. RDS is a fully-managed database service that makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational database.

  5. Configure your load balancer and API Gateway: You can use Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) or Application Load Balancer (ALB) to distribute traffic across your inventory services. You can also use Amazon API Gateway to create and manage your API endpoints.

  6. Set up monitoring and logging: You can use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor your inventory services and set up alarms for key metrics such as CPU utilization and memory usage. You can also use Amazon CloudTrail to log all API calls and AWS management events.

  7. Set up security: You can use Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) to manage access to your AWS resources. You can also use Amazon VPC to set up a virtual private network for your inventory services and configure security groups to control access to your resources.

In summary, to deploy your microservices architecture on AWS, you should containerize your inventory services, store your Docker images in ECR, deploy your services on ECS, create an RDS instance for your database, configure your load balancer and API Gateway, set up monitoring and logging, and set up security using IAM and VPC.


Compute Engine: Compute Engine is GCP's virtual machine service, which allows you to provision and manage virtual machines on-demand. You can use Compute Engine to host your ecommerce application and scale the number of virtual machines based on traffic levels.

Load Balancing: GCP's load balancing service can distribute incoming traffic across multiple instances of your ecommerce application, ensuring that requests are handled efficiently and without delay.

Cloud CDN: Cloud CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a global edge caching service that can help improve the performance and availability of your ecommerce application by caching content closer to your users.

Cloud SQL: Cloud SQL is a fully managed relational database service that can help you manage and scale your database infrastructure as your ecommerce application grows.

Memorystore: Memorystore is a fully managed in-memory data store that can help improve the performance and scalability of your ecommerce application by caching frequently accessed data.

Cloud Storage: Cloud Storage is a highly scalable object storage service that can be used to store and serve static assets, such as images and videos, for your ecommerce application.

Monitoring and Logging: GCP provides a range of monitoring and logging tools, such as Stackdriver, which can help you track the performance and health of your ecommerce application and troubleshoot issues as they arise.


Virtual Machines: Azure's virtual machine service allows you to provision and manage virtual machines on-demand. You can use virtual machines to host your ecommerce application and scale the number of instances based on traffic levels.

Load Balancer: Azure's load balancing service can distribute incoming traffic across multiple instances of your ecommerce application, ensuring that requests are handled efficiently and without delay.

CDN: Azure's CDN service can cache content closer to your users, helping to improve the performance and availability of your ecommerce application.

Azure SQL Database: Azure SQL Database is a fully managed relational database service that can help you manage and scale your database infrastructure as your ecommerce application grows.

Azure Cache for Redis: Azure Cache for Redis is a fully managed in-memory data store that can help improve the performance and scalability of your ecommerce application by caching frequently accessed data.

Blob Storage: Azure Blob Storage is a highly scalable object storage service that can be used to store and serve static assets, such as images and videos, for your ecommerce application.

Application Insights: Application Insights is Azure's monitoring and logging service, which can help you track the performance and health of your ecommerce application and troubleshoot issues as they arise.