yDelouis / selfoss-android

Android application for Selfoss
MIT License
41 stars 9 forks source link

Synchronization does miss some items #34

Closed jbfavre closed 9 years ago

jbfavre commented 9 years ago

Hello, I just figured out that selfoxx-android is sometimes missing unread items.

My use-case is:

Therefore, selfoss-android will never fetch older items.

What I would like to have:

This way I will be able to effectively read all items I want from my mobile.

jbfavre commented 9 years ago

Oh... it seems to be even worse in fact.

I just tested with a fresh account.

First request when syncing is: GET /items?offset=0&items=20&username=bla&password=bla But, only 8 items are displayed. So, when fetching older one when reaching page's bottom, request is: GET /items?type=unread&offset=8&items=10&username=bla&password=bla

This request is absolutely useless since we already have downloaded all these items with first request.

Still trying to debug and bring as much informations

yDelouis commented 9 years ago

I'm sorry to read that. Could you try to quit the app and to re-open it ? It might be an issue of inserting new items between old ones.

This request is absolutely useless since we already have downloaded all these items with first request.

This request has the param offset to 8. So it downloads the ten next articles (from 9 to 18). So it's not useless.

I also have some issue with paginator from web version, but could not identify the source yet

If the issue occurs with the web version there might be something wrong with it. Could you try with a fresh install of the server ?

jbfavre commented 9 years ago

I'm sorry to read that. Could you try to quit the app and to re-open it ? It might be an issue of inserting new items between old ones.

I tried it and it didn't work, at least not always. I just managed to get all unread items (less than 20), but I guess I'll be in trouble tomorrow morning, syncing more than 100 unread items to read them in subway :)

This request has the param offset to 8. So it downloads the ten next articles (from 9 to 18). So it's not useless.

I'm sorry to insist, but since the first request already fetches 20 items from 1 to 20, I don't see any good reason that the second one would fetch 10 from 9 to 18 :)
And, but that could be a different point, why using different offsets ?

If the issue occurs with the web version there might be something wrong with it. Could you try with a fresh install of the server ?

I updated the server part this week-end from 2.9. Will see in the next days if I still have issues with paginator.

About synchornization, I first thought considering unread RSS items as a timeline, and thus only use itemid and not updatedsince as reference, but since we also have to sync items state, that might not be the best solution.
Anyway, I'll try to have a look on source code, trying to understand what's going on, because I feel like I'm missing something there :)

jbfavre commented 9 years ago

Have done some other tests. Synchronization seems to fail on Android side.

I can see each request done into server's logfile. That means that requests complete well. But sync doesn't stop, so I guess there's something wrong on app side.

Is there any way to enable debug log ?

yDelouis commented 9 years ago


Thanks for your feedback and help.

I had the same issue for a few days. I think it happens since I upgraded to version 2.12. I will investigate this.

You can have more logs building the app from the source, after enabling the log of the requests.

jbfavre commented 9 years ago

OK, thanks, will try building app from sources.

yDelouis commented 9 years ago

Sync seems to be broken since I updated android-query. If you don't need basic http auth, you can use the version 0.7.1.

rjurado01 commented 9 years ago

I also have problems with sync in the version 0.8.1.

jbfavre commented 9 years ago

@yDelouis unfortunatly, I need basic http auth :(

yDelouis commented 9 years ago

The commit 57f49255c23b7d6909587645c77377ea3e49a9b3 should have http auth and sync working. But favicons won't be loaded.

yDelouis commented 9 years ago

I've just published a new version of the app which should fix synchronisation and work with http auth. Please, close the issue if it solved by the update. I am really sorry for this buggy release.

jbfavre commented 9 years ago

I'm sorry, but the update exit before starting any synchronization :( I guess there's another bug (database version number not updated ?)

jbfavre commented 9 years ago

I'm running Galaxy Nexus with Android 4.2.1

jbfavre commented 9 years ago

Tried to delete old account, wipe existing data and start again. Application exits before I can fill new account form :(

jbfavre commented 9 years ago

Forget, it seems to work now. Time to renew my phone I guess :-/

jbfavre commented 9 years ago

OK, still have a problem :-/ Just sent a crash report from my phone

jbfavre commented 9 years ago

According to my web server log, synchronization now works. Selfoss-android then loads a lot of favicons... and crashes

jbfavre commented 9 years ago

If it can help, here are some log I got with adb logcat | grep selfoss. I tried with already installed app, after having emptied data & cache and with fresh installed app (remove/install).

I/Timeline( 2281): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:fr.ydelouis.selfoss time:833210
I/ActivityManager( 1374): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=fr.ydelouis.selfoss/.activity.MainActivity_ bnds=[320,857][480,1043]} from pid 2281
I/ActivityManager( 1374): Start proc fr.ydelouis.selfoss for activity fr.ydelouis.selfoss/.activity.MainActivity_: pid=7110 uid=10093 gids={50093, 3003}
D/ActivityThread( 7110): handleBindApplication:fr.ydelouis.selfoss
I/Selfoss API( 7110): GET : https://selfoss.domain.tld/tags?username=login&password=*****
I/ActivityManager( 1374): Displayed fr.ydelouis.selfoss/.activity.MainActivity_: +1s959ms
I/Timeline( 1374): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{41e9bbd0 u0 fr.ydelouis.selfoss/.activity.MainActivity_ t12} time:835321
I/ActivityManager( 1374): Process fr.ydelouis.selfoss (pid 7110) has died.
I/WindowState( 1374): WIN DEATH: Window{41e7aad0 u0 fr.ydelouis.selfoss/fr.ydelouis.selfoss.activity.MainActivity_}
W/ActivityManager( 1374): Scheduling restart of crashed service fr.ydelouis.selfoss/.sync.SyncService_ in 1000ms
W/WindowManager( 1374): Force-removing child win Window{4256f9b0 u0 Panel:fr.ydelouis.selfoss/fr.ydelouis.selfoss.activity.MainActivity_} from container Window{41e7aad0 u0 fr.ydelouis.selfoss/fr.ydelouis.selfoss.activity.MainActivity_}
W/ActivityManager( 1374): Force removing ActivityRecord{41e9bbd0 u0 fr.ydelouis.selfoss/.activity.MainActivity_ t12}: app died, no saved state
I/ActivityManager( 1374): Start proc fr.ydelouis.selfoss for service fr.ydelouis.selfoss/.sync.SyncService_: pid=7753 uid=10093 gids={50093, 3003}
D/ActivityThread( 7753): handleBindApplication:fr.ydelouis.selfoss
I/Selfoss API( 7753): GET : https://selfoss.domain.tld/tags?username=login&password=*****
I/Selfoss API( 7753): GET : https://selfoss.domain.tld/sources/list?username=login&password=*****
I/Selfoss API( 7753): GET : https://selfoss.domain.tld/items?offset=0&items=20&updatedsince=2014-09-27 19:53:39&username=login&password=*****
jonnyair commented 9 years ago

Hey there, since the last update i expierience similar Problems:

I/Timeline( 1352): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:fr.ydelouis.selfoss time:77514632
I/ActivityManager(  900): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=fr.ydelouis.selfoss/.activity.MainActivity_ bnds=[432,1075][648,1325]} from pid 1352
I/ActivityManager(  900): Start proc fr.ydelouis.selfoss for activity fr.ydelouis.selfoss/.activity.MainActivity_: pid=25178 uid=10192 gids={50192, 3003}
D/ActivityThread(25178): handleBindApplication:fr.ydelouis.selfoss
I/Selfoss API(25178): GET : http://[URL]/tags?username=jonnyair&password=************
I/Selfoss API(25178): GET : http://[URL]/sources/list?username=jonnyair&password=************
I/ActivityManager(  900): Displayed fr.ydelouis.selfoss/.activity.MainActivity_: +2s846ms
I/Timeline(  900): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{42386150 u0 fr.ydelouis.selfoss/.activity.MainActivity_ t53} time:77517490
I/Selfoss API(25178): GET : http://[URL]/items?offset=0&items=20&updatedsince=2014-09-29 07:40:46&username=jonnyair&password=************
I/ActivityManager(  900): Process fr.ydelouis.selfoss (pid 25178) has died.
I/WindowState(  900): WIN DEATH: Window{43417460 u0 fr.ydelouis.selfoss/fr.ydelouis.selfoss.activity.MainActivity_}
W/WindowManager(  900): Force-removing child win Window{4343b758 u0 Panel:fr.ydelouis.selfoss/fr.ydelouis.selfoss.activity.MainActivity_} from container Window{43417460 u0 fr.ydelouis.selfoss/fr.ydelouis.selfoss.activity.MainActivity_}
W/ActivityManager(  900): Force removing ActivityRecord{42386150 u0 fr.ydelouis.selfoss/.activity.MainActivity_ t53}: app died, no saved state
I/ActivityManager(  900): Start proc fr.ydelouis.selfoss for service fr.ydelouis.selfoss/.sync.SyncService_: pid=25849 uid=10192 gids={50192, 3003}
D/ActivityThread(25849): handleBindApplication:fr.ydelouis.selfoss
I/Selfoss API(25849): GET : http://[URL]/tags?username=jonnyair&password=************
I/Selfoss API(25849): GET : http://[URL]/sources/list?username=jonnyair&password=************
I/Selfoss API(25849): GET : http://[URL]/items?offset=0&items=20&updatedsince=2014-09-29 07:40:46&username=jonnyair&password=************

The App crashes (or dies) after about 1-3 Seconds. i wiped the Cache and even reinstalled the App, no success. (my Selfoss instance is on 2.12, which should be the latest version).

yDelouis commented 9 years ago

@jbfavre, thanks for the bug report. Picasso is crashing on your device. I will try another lib. @jbfavre, @jonnyair, I can't see anything wrong in the logcat.

jonnyair commented 9 years ago

@yDelouis doesn't the "Force removing ActivityRecord{42386150 u0 fr.ydelouis.selfoss/.activity.MainActivity_ t53}: app died, no saved state" indicate something's wrong? I've uploaded a video, here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/px7t3l4v0bn4lon/Screencast_2014-09-29-13-31-25.mp4?dl=0 i don't press any buttons, it just closes itself (no force close or error message).

Edit: my previous log was taken with |grep selfoss, here is another log without grep (it's rather long, sorry about that)...

I/Timeline( 1352): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:fr.ydelouis.selfoss time:79315931
I/ActivityManager(  900): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=fr.ydelouis.selfoss/.activity.MainActivity_ bnds=[432,1075][648,1325]} from pid 1352
V/Zygote  (31233): Switching descriptor 43 to /dev/null
V/Zygote  (31233): Switching descriptor 9 to /dev/null
I/ActivityManager(  900): Start proc fr.ydelouis.selfoss for activity fr.ydelouis.selfoss/.activity.MainActivity_: pid=31233 uid=10192 gids={50192, 3003}
I/MicrophoneInputStream( 3256): mic_close fib@424396d0
D/audio_hw_primary(  251): in_standby: enter: stream (0xb74673c8) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/FixedAndroidHandler(31233): logging to file is not enabled
D/hardware_info(  251): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = voice-rec-mic
I/QCOM PowerHAL(  251): Processing audio hint. Metadata: state=0
I/HotwordRecognitionRnr( 3256): Hotword detection finished
I/HotwordRecognitionRnr( 3256): Stopping hotword detection.
D/audio_hw_primary(  251): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xb74673c8)
D/audio_hw_primary(  251): in_standby: enter: stream (0xb74673c8) usecase(7: audio-record)
D/ActivityThread(31233): handleBindApplication:fr.ydelouis.selfoss
D/ActivityThread(31233): setTargetHeapUtilization:0.75
D/ActivityThread(31233): setTargetHeapMinFree:2097152
I/dalvikvm(31233): DexOpt: illegal method access (call Landroid/content/res/TypedArray;.<init> (Landroid/content/res/Resources;[I[II)V from Landroid/content/res/XResources$XTypedArray;)
I/dalvikvm(31233): Could not find method android.content.res.TypedArray.<init>, referenced from method android.content.res.XResources$XTypedArray.<init>
W/dalvikvm(31233): VFY: unable to resolve direct method 82: Landroid/content/res/TypedArray;.<init> (Landroid/content/res/Resources;[I[II)V
D/dalvikvm(31233): VFY: replacing opcode 0x70 at 0x0002
W/Settings(31233): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
W/Settings(31233): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
W/Resources(31233): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x4/d=0x3f800000 a=2 r=0x7f0a0028}
W/Settings(31233): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
I/Adreno-EGL(31233): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:410>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LNX.LA. ()
I/Adreno-EGL(31233): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: E031.24.00.14
I/Adreno-EGL(31233): Build Date: 04/29/14 Tue
I/Adreno-EGL(31233): Local Branch: mybranch3162585
I/Adreno-EGL(31233): Remote Branch: quic/LNX.LA.
I/Adreno-EGL(31233): Local Patches: NONE
I/Adreno-EGL(31233): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LNX.LA. +  NOTHING
D/OpenGLRenderer(31233): Enabling debug mode 0
I/Selfoss API(31233): GET : http://[URL]/tags?username=jonnyair&password=************
D/dalvikvm(31233): JIT code cache reset in 0 ms (4096 bytes 2/0)
I/Selfoss API(31233): GET : http://[URL]/sources/list?username=jonnyair&password=************
W/Settings(31233): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
W/CodeLoaderInitializer(31064): Nothing to see here.
W/Settings(31233): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
W/Settings(31233): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
I/ActivityManager(  900): Delay finish: de.amazon.mShop.android/com.amazon.venezia.StartupReceiver
W/Settings(31233): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
I/ActivityManager(  900): Resuming delayed broadcast
W/BroadcastQueue(  900): Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=com.amazon.mas.client.application.events.STARTUP flg=0x10 } from de.amazon.mShop.android (pid=31064, uid=10148) is not exported from uid 10175 due to receiver com.amazon.venezia/com.amazon.mas.client.metrics.service.InitializeIdentityBroadcastReceiver
W/BroadcastQueue(  900): Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=com.amazon.mas.client.application.events.STARTUP flg=0x10 } from de.amazon.mShop.android (pid=31064, uid=10148) is not exported from uid 10175 due to receiver com.amazon.venezia/com.amazon.mas.client.pdiservice.PdiBroadcastReceiver
W/Settings(31233): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
W/Settings(31233): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
W/Settings(31233): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
W/BroadcastQueue(  900): Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=com.amazon.mas.client.application.events.STARTUP flg=0x10 } from de.amazon.mShop.android (pid=31064, uid=10148) is not exported from uid 10175 due to receiver com.amazon.venezia/com.amazon.client.ftue.DelayedFtueReceiver
W/BroadcastQueue(  900): Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=com.amazon.mas.client.application.events.STARTUP flg=0x10 } from de.amazon.mShop.android (pid=31064, uid=10148) is not exported from uid 10175 due to receiver com.amazon.venezia/.crashreporter.CrashReporterBroadcastReceiver
I/AvailabilitySDK(31064): scheduled configuration update @ 2014-09-29 16:31:59 (repeating)
I/AvailabilitySDK(31064): created schedule @ 2014-09-29 13:36:22
W/Settings(31233): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
W/Settings(31233): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
I/Choreographer(31233): Skipped 76 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
W/Settings(31233): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
I/ActivityManager(  900): Delay finish: de.amazon.mShop.android/com.amazon.mas.client.tokenrefresh.RefreshScheduleReceiver
I/AmazonAppstore.LockerSyncDecisionDelegate(31064): handling intent action 'com.amazon.mas.client.application.SCHEDULE_ALARMS'
I/AmazonAppstore.LockerSyncDecisionDelegate(31064): Handling broadcast 'com.amazon.mas.client.application.SCHEDULE_ALARMS'
I/AmazonAppstore.LockerSyncDecisionDelegate(31064): Locker has previously synced.  Calling SchedulePeriodicWork.scheduleWork() with previousIntervalMillis=86400000
I/ActivityManager(  900): Resuming delayed broadcast
W/BroadcastQueue(  900): Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=com.amazon.mas.client.application.events.STARTUP flg=0x14 (has extras) } from com.amazon.venezia (pid=-1, uid=10175) is not exported from uid 10148 due to receiver de.amazon.mShop.android/com.amazon.venezia.crashreporter.CrashReporterBroadcastReceiver
I/ActivityManager(  900): Delay finish: de.amazon.mShop.android/com.amazon.venezia.StartupReceiver
I/AmazonAppstore.LockerSyncDecisionDelegate(31132): handling intent action 'com.amazon.mas.client.application.SCHEDULE_ALARMS'
I/AmazonAppstore.LockerSyncDecisionDelegate(31132): Handling broadcast 'com.amazon.mas.client.application.SCHEDULE_ALARMS'
I/ActivityManager(  900): Resuming delayed broadcast
I/ActivityManager(  900): Delay finish: com.amazon.venezia/.StartupReceiver
I/ActivityManager(  900): Resuming delayed broadcast
I/ActivityManager(  900): Delay finish: com.amazon.venezia/com.amazon.mas.client.tokenrefresh.RefreshScheduleReceiver
I/AvailabilitySDK(31132): scheduled configuration update @ 2014-09-29 14:26:24 (repeating)
I/AvailabilitySDK(31132): created schedule @ 2014-09-29 13:36:22
I/ActivityManager(  900): Resuming delayed broadcast
I/WindowManager(  900): Switching to real app window: Window{423fbcc0 u0 fr.ydelouis.selfoss/fr.ydelouis.selfoss.activity.MainActivity_}
W/Settings(31233): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
I/ActivityManager(  900): Displayed fr.ydelouis.selfoss/.activity.MainActivity_: +2s700ms
I/Timeline(  900): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{426c5268 u0 fr.ydelouis.selfoss/.activity.MainActivity_ t61} time:79318656
I/Timeline(31233): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@4237ef78 time:79318924
I/Selfoss API(31233): GET : http://[URL]/items?offset=0&items=20&updatedsince=2014-09-29 11:27:18&username=jonnyair&password=************
F/Looper  (31233): Could not create wake pipe.  errno=24
F/libc    (31233): Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT) at 0x00007a01 (code=-6), thread 31900 (Picasso-Dispatc)
I/DEBUG   (  246): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
I/DEBUG   (  246): Build fingerprint: 'oneplus/bacon/A0001:4.4.4/KTU84P/XNPH33R:user/release-keys'
I/DEBUG   (  246): Revision: '0'
I/DEBUG   (  246): pid: 31233, tid: 31900, name: Picasso-Dispatc  >>> fr.ydelouis.selfoss <<<
I/DEBUG   (  246): signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr --------
I/DEBUG   (  246):     r0 00000000  r1 00007c9c  r2 00000006  r3 00000000
I/DEBUG   (  246):     r4 9dc1add8  r5 00000006  r6 00000018  r7 0000010c
I/DEBUG   (  246):     r8 9dc1ab10  r9 9db1cf58  sl 9c49d3d0  fp 9dc1ab24
I/DEBUG   (  246):     ip 00007c9c  sp 9dc1a638  lr 4006901f  pc 40077fc4  cpsr 00000010
I/DEBUG   (  246):     d0  6f6e20646c756f43  d1  6574616572632074
I/DEBUG   (  246):     d2  697020656b617720  d3  72726520202e6570
I/DEBUG   (  246):     d4  432878b843287810  d5  432903c0432902a8
I/DEBUG   (  246):     d6  432a39f0432a3948  d7  0000000000000000
I/DEBUG   (  246):     d8  442a8000000002aa  d9  4204000043e06580
I/DEBUG   (  246):     d10 00000000442a8000  d11 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG   (  246):     d12 0000000000000000  d13 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG   (  246):     d14 0000000000000000  d15 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG   (  246):     d16 2d6f737361636950  d17 6863746170736944
I/DEBUG   (  246):     d18 0038006200310066  d19 0034006400660034
I/DEBUG   (  246):     d20 0035003100300037  d21 0030003000340061
I/DEBUG   (  246):     d22 0030003700360062  d23 0063003500380036
I/DEBUG   (  246):     d24 b96377ce858a5d48  d25 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG   (  246):     d26 3ff0000000000000  d27 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG   (  246):     d28 3ff0000000000000  d29 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG   (  246):     d30 0000000000000000  d31 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG   (  246):     scr 60000012
I/DEBUG   (  246): 
I/DEBUG   (  246): backtrace:
I/DEBUG   (  246):     #00  pc 00021fc4  /system/lib/libc.so (tgkill+12)
I/DEBUG   (  246):     #01  pc 0001301b  /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_kill+50)
I/DEBUG   (  246):     #02  pc 00013213  /system/lib/libc.so (raise+10)
I/DEBUG   (  246):     #03  pc 00011f73  /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG   (  246):     #04  pc 00021878  /system/lib/libc.so (abort+4)
I/DEBUG   (  246):     #05  pc 0000166b  /system/lib/liblog.so (__android_log_assert+86)
I/DEBUG   (  246):     #06  pc 000114fb  /system/lib/libutils.so (android::Looper::Looper(bool)+170)
I/DEBUG   (  246):     #07  pc 0006fba5  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::NativeMessageQueue::NativeMessageQueue()+76)
I/DEBUG   (  246):     #08  pc 0006fbd9  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG   (  246):     #09  pc 000203d0  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmPlatformInvoke+116)
I/DEBUG   (  246):     #10  pc 00050fe7  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallJNIMethod(unsigned int const*, JValue*, Method const*, Thread*)+398)
I/DEBUG   (  246):     #11  pc 00029860  /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG   (  246):     #12  pc 00030d58  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmMterpStd(Thread*)+76)
I/DEBUG   (  246):     #13  pc 0002e3fc  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInterpret(Thread*, Method const*, JValue*)+184)
I/DEBUG   (  246):     #14  pc 00063463  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallMethodV(Thread*, Method const*, Object*, bool, JValue*, std::__va_list)+338)
I/DEBUG   (  246):     #15  pc 00063487  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallMethod(Thread*, Method const*, Object*, JValue*, ...)+20)
I/DEBUG   (  246):     #16  pc 00058173  /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG   (  246):     #17  pc 0000d1c0  /system/lib/libc.so (__thread_entry+72)
I/DEBUG   (  246):     #18  pc 0000d358  /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_create+240)
I/DEBUG   (  246): 
I/DEBUG   (  246): stack:
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a5f8  00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a5fc  000002aa  
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a600  442a8000  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a604  43e06580  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a608  42040000  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-zygote (deleted)
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a60c  000003ff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a610  00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a614  400f0b28  /system/lib/libutils.so
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a618  00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a61c  9dc1ab10  [stack:31900]
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a620  9db1cf58  
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a624  9c49d3d0  [anon:libc_malloc]
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a628  400520e1  /system/lib/liblog.so
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a62c  400ee2b9  /system/lib/libutils.so
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a630  9dc1a6a4  [stack:31900]
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a634  00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     #00  9dc1a638  9dc1add8  [stack:31900]
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a63c  00000006  
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a640  00000018  
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a644  00007c9c  
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a648  00007c9c  
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a64c  4006901f  /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_kill+54)
I/DEBUG   (  246):     #01  9dc1a650  9dc1add0  [stack:31900]
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a654  00000006  
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a658  00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a65c  400f0b28  /system/lib/libutils.so
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a660  00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a664  40069217  /system/lib/libc.so (raise+14)
I/DEBUG   (  246):     #02  9dc1a668  9dc1a674  [stack:31900]
I/DEBUG   (  246):          9dc1a66c  40067f77  /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG   (  246): 
I/DEBUG   (  246): memory near r1:
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007c7c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007c8c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007c9c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007cac ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007cbc ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007ccc ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007cdc ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007cec ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007cfc ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007d0c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007d1c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007d2c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007d3c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007d4c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007d5c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007d6c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246): 
I/DEBUG   (  246): memory near r4:
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1adb8 9c49d3c0 9c49d818 4004bf2c 0000000b  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1adc8 00000078 4006335c 9dc1add0 9c49d818  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1add8 00000018 00000000 00000000 7716a16a  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ade8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1adf8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ae08 00000000 9c49d3c0 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ae18 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ae28 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ae38 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ae48 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ae58 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ae68 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ae78 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ae88 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ae98 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1aea8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246): 
I/DEBUG   (  246): memory near r8:
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1aaf0 9c49dae8 00000004 9db1cf60 4019abdd  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ab00 6efe4f6a 6d6f0608 9c49d3c0 414fa3d4  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ab10 9db1cf58 00000001 00000008 41c02f38  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ab20 4318d190 4152afeb 9db1cf58 6f1c287c  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ab30 4019abcd 9c49d3d0 4159ee18 6e7307e4  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ab40 1d300001 00000000 41b15000 400a4384  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ab50 00000000 00000014 00000014 42374008  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ab60 00000001 00000014 4159ee18 41b6d1d4  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ab70 4318d190 433eb3d0 013a6400 433eb3d0  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ab80 41bd9768 41550281 41598c34 41598c34  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ab90 400a4384 00000014 4159ee18 400a4384  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1aba0 00000014 41506a74 9c49d3c0 9db1cf44  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1abb0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1abc0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1abd0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1abe0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246): 
I/DEBUG   (  246): memory near r9:
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9db1cf38 433eb3d0 9db1cf6c 6efe6256 9db1cf6c  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9db1cf48 6efe6264 6d6f0608 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9db1cf58 9db1cf8c 6efe4f6a 6d6f0528 6efe6264  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9db1cf68 00000000 433eb3d0 433eb3a0 00000001  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9db1cf78 9db1cfac 6efe521c 6d6effe8 6efe4f6a  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9db1cf88 00000000 433eb3a0 433eb388 00000001  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9db1cf98 9db1cfcc 6efe51da 6d6f0138 6efe521c  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9db1cfa8 00000000 41c6cf18 433eb388 00000001  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9db1cfb8 9db1cfe4 6efddcec 6d6f0100 6efe51da  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9db1cfc8 00000000 00000001 9db1d000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9db1cfd8 6d8c1f20 6efddcec 00000000 00007c9c  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9db1cfe8 4318d190 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9db1cff8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9db1d008 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9db1d018 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9db1d028 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246): 
I/DEBUG   (  246): memory near sl:
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9c49d3b0 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000045b  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9c49d3c0 6e7307e4 9db1cf58 6d6f0528 41b15000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9c49d3d0 00000000 9db1cfcc 9dc1ac40 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9c49d3e0 9dc1ac94 00000242 00000000 414fa540  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9c49d3f0 00000000 00000000 40d8f570 9db19300  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9c49d400 00000000 00000000 00000001 00004000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9c49d410 00000000 9c49d818 414fa540 414ff480  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9c49d420 00000000 4150357c 415035f0 415034a0  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9c49d430 415034c0 4150351c 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9c49d440 764472a0 00000028 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9c49d450 00000000 00000000 00002000 4159f54c  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9c49d460 00000000 00000000 00000001 9d8010c8  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9c49d470 00000001 00000040 00000200 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9c49d480 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9c49d490 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9c49d4a0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246): 
I/DEBUG   (  246): memory near fp:
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ab04 6d6f0608 9c49d3c0 414fa3d4 9db1cf58  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ab14 00000001 00000008 41c02f38 4318d190  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ab24 4152afeb 9db1cf58 6f1c287c 4019abcd  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ab34 9c49d3d0 4159ee18 6e7307e4 1d300001  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ab44 00000000 41b15000 400a4384 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ab54 00000014 00000014 42374008 00000001  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ab64 00000014 4159ee18 41b6d1d4 4318d190  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ab74 433eb3d0 013a6400 433eb3d0 41bd9768  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ab84 41550281 41598c34 41598c34 400a4384  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1ab94 00000014 4159ee18 400a4384 00000014  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1aba4 41506a74 9c49d3c0 9db1cf44 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1abb4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1abc4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1abd4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1abe4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1abf4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246): 
I/DEBUG   (  246): memory near ip:
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007c7c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007c8c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007c9c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007cac ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007cbc ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007ccc ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007cdc ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007cec ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007cfc ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007d0c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007d1c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007d2c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007d3c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007d4c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007d5c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     00007d6c ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  
I/DEBUG   (  246): 
I/DEBUG   (  246): memory near sp:
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1a618 00000000 9dc1ab10 9db1cf58 9c49d3d0  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1a628 400520e1 400ee2b9 9dc1a6a4 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1a638 9dc1add8 00000006 00000018 00007c9c  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1a648 00007c9c 4006901f 9dc1add0 00000006  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1a658 00000000 400f0b28 00000000 40069217  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1a668 9dc1a674 40067f77 00000000 ffffffdf  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1a678 00000000 00000000 00000000 7716a16a  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1a688 00000000 400ee2b9 00000000 4007787c  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1a698 400520e1 4005266f 9dc1aab4 6c756f43  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1a6a8 6f6e2064 72632074 65746165 6b617720  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1a6b8 69702065 202e6570 72726520 323d6f6e  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1a6c8 00000034 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1a6d8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1a6e8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1a6f8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     9dc1a708 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246): 
I/DEBUG   (  246): code around pc:
I/DEBUG   (  246):     40077fa4 e8bd00f0 e3700a01 912fff1e e2600000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     40077fb4 ea006dfc e92d50f0 e3a07f43 ef000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     40077fc4 e8bd50f0 e3700a01 912fff1e e2600000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     40077fd4 ea006df4 e92d50f0 e3a070ee ef000000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     40077fe4 e8bd50f0 e3700a01 912fff1e e2600000  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     40077ff4 ea006dec f200429a bf0080b9 f040f891  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     40078004 4001e92d f2c02a04 2a1080a5 8093f2c0  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     40078014 f2c02a20 2a408088 ea4fdb7f f1bc1c92  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     40078024 dd6c0f0a 0600e92d 0f40f1bc f500dd4a  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     40078034 f5016e80 ebae7920 ea4f0e09 ea4f5e4e  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     40078044 f50e5e5e ebbc7e20 dd3b1f9e f04fbfc4  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     40078054 ebd9090a dd35199e 0a0eeb01 0a3ff02a  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     40078064 1c9eebac bfd245e1 0c09ebac f04f46e1  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     40078074 f8910c00 f891f240 f921f280 f921028d  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     40078084 f8da428d f1b93000 f9000901 f900028d  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     40078094 f10a428d d1ee0a40 0f00f1bc f5bcd02b  
I/DEBUG   (  246): 
I/DEBUG   (  246): code around lr:
I/DEBUG   (  246):     40068ffc 4b11ec12 e010447b d10e42bb 6a1f480f  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     4006900c f7fb4478 f00dec8a 4639ea0c f00e462a  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     4006901c 3001efce 2500d00a 681be009 d1eb2b00  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     4006902c 25034807 f7fb4478 e000ec78 60266825  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     4006903c bdf84628 0003b3a4 0003b398 0003b390  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     4006904c 0003b36c bf82f7ff 4a3a4b39 47f0e92d  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     4006905c 447b460d 4607b08a 6833589e 930946b1  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     4006906c f9fcf001 f8d04604 2d008000 4628d04a  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     4006907c f920f010 4606280f f7ffd846 4287ffe3  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     4006908c 200fd106 f00d4629 2800e8da e032d03d  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     4006909c 44784829 ebbef7fb 44784828 42b8e015  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     400690ac 6a07d113 44784826 ec36f7fb 463b4a25  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     400690bc a8012120 f013447a 2101f99f f01aa801  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     400690cc 1c43fcb7 d1044607 6800e015 d1e62800  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     400690dc 4638e023 46324629 e914f00d 3ffff1b0  
I/DEBUG   (  246):     400690ec d1024682 29046821 4638d0f3 e964f00d  
E/NativeCrashListener(  900): Exception dealing with report
E/NativeCrashListener(  900): libcore.io.ErrnoException: read failed: EAGAIN (Try again)
E/NativeCrashListener(  900):   at libcore.io.Posix.readBytes(Native Method)
E/NativeCrashListener(  900):   at libcore.io.Posix.read(Posix.java:128)
E/NativeCrashListener(  900):   at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.read(BlockGuardOs.java:149)
E/NativeCrashListener(  900):   at com.android.server.am.NativeCrashListener.consumeNativeCrashData(NativeCrashListener.java:240)
E/NativeCrashListener(  900):   at com.android.server.am.NativeCrashListener.run(NativeCrashListener.java:138)
I/ActivityManager(  900): Process fr.ydelouis.selfoss (pid 31233) has died.
I/WindowState(  900): WIN DEATH: Window{423fbcc0 u0 fr.ydelouis.selfoss/fr.ydelouis.selfoss.activity.MainActivity_}
W/ActivityManager(  900): Scheduling restart of crashed service fr.ydelouis.selfoss/.sync.SyncService_ in 1000ms
W/WindowManager(  900): Force-removing child win Window{42406f18 u0 Panel:fr.ydelouis.selfoss/fr.ydelouis.selfoss.activity.MainActivity_} from container Window{423fbcc0 u0 fr.ydelouis.selfoss/fr.ydelouis.selfoss.activity.MainActivity_}
W/ActivityManager(  900): Force removing ActivityRecord{426c5268 u0 fr.ydelouis.selfoss/.activity.MainActivity_ t61}: app died, no saved state
W/WindowManager(  900): Failed looking up window
W/WindowManager(  900): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Requested window android.os.BinderProxy@423fe1a0 does not exist
W/WindowManager(  900):     at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.windowForClientLocked(WindowManagerService.java:8105)
W/WindowManager(  900):     at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.windowForClientLocked(WindowManagerService.java:8096)
W/WindowManager(  900):     at com.android.server.wm.WindowState$DeathRecipient.binderDied(WindowState.java:1065)
W/WindowManager(  900):     at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice(Binder.java:493)
W/WindowManager(  900):     at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
I/WindowState(  900): WIN DEATH: null
V/Zygote  (31904): Switching descriptor 43 to /dev/null
V/Zygote  (31904): Switching descriptor 9 to /dev/null
I/ActivityManager(  900): Start proc fr.ydelouis.selfoss for service fr.ydelouis.selfoss/.sync.SyncService_: pid=31904 uid=10192 gids={50192, 3003}
W/Binder  ( 1273): Caught a RuntimeException from the binder stub implementation.
W/Binder  ( 1273): java.lang.NullPointerException
W/Binder  ( 1273):  at android.inputmethodservice.IInputMethodWrapper.setSessionEnabled(IInputMethodWrapper.java:280)
W/Binder  ( 1273):  at com.android.internal.view.IInputMethod$Stub.onTransact(IInputMethod.java:129)
W/Binder  ( 1273):  at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:404)
W/Binder  ( 1273):  at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
W/InputMethodManagerService(  900): Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 31233 uid 10192
D/Zygote  (  249): Process 31233 terminated by signal (6)
I/MicrophoneInputStream( 3256): mic_starting fib@4261cdf0
D/AudioPolicyManager(  251): getInput() inputSource 1999, samplingRate 16000, format 1, channelMask 10, acoustics 0
D/audio_hw_primary(  251): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(16000) channel_mask(0x10) devices(0x80000004)        stream_handle(0xb74673c8)
D/AudioPolicyManager(  251): getInput() returns input 356
D/audio_hw_primary(  251): in_standby: enter: stream (0xb74673c8) usecase(7: audio-record)
D/audio_hw_primary(  251): in_standby: enter: stream (0xb74673c8) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/HotwordRecognitionRnr( 3256): Starting hotword detection.
I/QCOM PowerHAL(  251): Processing audio hint. Metadata: state=1
D/audio_hw_primary(  251): in_set_parameters: enter: kvpairs=input_source=6;routing=-2147483644
I/Timeline( 1352): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@423805f0 time:79325742
D/audio_hw_primary(  251): start_input_stream: enter: stream(0xb74673c8)usecase(7: audio-record)
D/audio_hw_primary(  251): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(61: voice-rec-mic)
D/hardware_info(  251): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = voice-rec-mic
D/ACDB-LOADER(  251): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 119, path =  1
D/ACDB-LOADER(  251): ACDB -> send_adm_topology
D/ACDB-LOADER(  251): ACDB -> send_asm_topology
D/ACDB-LOADER(  251): ACDB -> send_audtable
D/ACDB-LOADER(  251): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
D/        (  251): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000077 
E/ACDB-LOADER(  251): Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
I/FixedAndroidHandler(31904): logging to file is not enabled
D/audio_hw_primary(  251): select_devices: done
D/ActivityThread(31904): handleBindApplication:fr.ydelouis.selfoss
D/ActivityThread(31904): setTargetHeapUtilization:0.75
D/ActivityThread(31904): setTargetHeapMinFree:2097152
I/HotwordWorker( 3256): onReady
W/Settings(31904): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
W/Settings(31904): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
I/AmazonVideo.util(31064): ConfigManager.updateFromServerIfNecessary: Requesting update for 14107668 millis from now
I/AmazonVideo.util(31064): ConfigTaskScheduler.schedule: Scheduling refresh after 14107668 millis
I/AmazonVideo.syncservice(31064): SyncDispatcher.sync: Skipping sync component: EventManager
I/Timeline(  900): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{429ca1e0 u0 com.teslacoilsw.launcher/com.android.launcher2.Launcher t1} time:79326078
I/Selfoss API(31904): GET : http://[URL]/tags?username=jonnyair&password=************
I/Selfoss API(31904): GET : http://[URL]/sources/list?username=jonnyair&password=************
I/Selfoss API(31904): GET : http://[URL]/items?offset=0&items=20&updatedsince=2014-09-29 11:27:18&username=jonnyair&password=************
yDelouis commented 9 years ago

You're right, I didn't scroll enough to right. I'll try another lib to see if the crash comes from Picasso.

yDelouis commented 9 years ago

I've just release a new version. Hopefully it solves these crashes. Please, let me know if it's okay now.

jonnyair commented 9 years ago

seems to work fine for me :) (used it for a few minutes, no closes so far)

jbfavre commented 9 years ago

@yDelouis used it for 10 minutes now. Works for me on both Galaxy Nexus & Nexus 7 \o/ Thanks for fixing the bug !