yaapu / FrskyTelemetryScript

A LUA telemetry script and widget for the Horus X10(S),X12 and Taranis X9D+,X9E,QX7 and X-Lite radios using ArduPilot frsky passthru protocol
GNU General Public License v3.0
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MavLink Passthrough no telemetry data on X9D+ #17

Closed KadaverJoe closed 5 years ago

KadaverJoe commented 5 years ago

I connected my ULRS 1W module to a teensy 3.2 like shown in the ground side picture. If I connect the teensy to the Arduino Serial monitor, I can see Mavlink messages. I set up the MavlinkToPassthru_v1.0.8 script as follows:

define Target_Board 0

define Ground_Mode

define Battery_mAh_Source 2

My FC: Pixhawk 4 with ArduPlane 3.9.4

These are the messages, which I can see in the serial monitor: Mavlink in #30 Attitude: ap_roll degs=-0.8 ap_pitch degs=-0.3 ap_yaw degs=-86.3 Mavlink in #74 VFR_HUD: Airspeed= 1.35 Groundspeed= 0.10 Heading= 273 Throttle %= 0 Baro alt= 36 Climb rate= 0.03 Mavlink in #147 Battery Status: bat id= 0 bat current mA= 270 ap_current_consumed mAh= 54 my di/dt mAh= 1 Mavlink in #27 Raw_IMU: accX=-0.04 accY=0.01 accZ=-1.00 Mavlink in #29 Scaled_Pressure: press_abs=1029.4hPa press_diff=0.000hPa temperature=35.1C Mavlink in #30 Attitude: ap_roll degs=-0.7 ap_pitch degs=-0.3 aMavlink in #30 Attitude: ap_roll degs=-0.7 ap_pitch degs=-0.2 ap_yaw degs=-86.3 Mavlink in #27 Raw_IMU: accX=-0.04 accY=0.01 accZ=-1.00 Mavlink in #29 Scaled_Pressure: press_abs=1029.5hPa press_diff=0.000hPa temperature=35.1C Mavlink in #1 Sys_Status: Bat volts=18.851 Bat amps=0.3 mAh=0.037125 Total mAh=1.188 Bat1 cell count= 5 Mavlink in #125 Power Status: Vcc= 5019 Vservo= 5097 flags= 1 Mavlink in #24 GPS_RAW_INT: ap_fixtype=3 3D Fix sats visible=15 latitude=54.1732979 longitude=12.3405924 gps alt amsl=25.4 eph (hdop)=77 epv (vdop)=127 vel=0.130 cog=346.6 Mavlink in #65 RC_Channels: Channel count= 16 values: 1=1493 2=1494 3=982 4=1494 5=1494 6=1494 7=1494 8=1817 9=1494 10=1494 11=1494 12=1494 13=1494 14=1494 15=1494 16=982 Receive RSSI=49.21 Mavlink in #74 VFR_HUD: Airspeed= 1.32 Groundspeed= 0.13 Heading= 273 Throttle %= 0 Baro alt= 36 Climb rate= -0.17 Mavlink in #30 Attitude: ap_roll degs=-0.7 ap_pitch degs=-0.2 ap_yaw degs=-86.3 Mavlink in #147 Battery Status: bat id= 0 bat current mA= 270 ap_current_consumed mAh= 55 my di/dt mAh= 1 Mavlink in #30 Attitude: ap_roll degs=-0.7 ap_pitch degs=-0.3 ap_yaw degs=-86.3 Mavlink in #74 VFR_HUD: Airspeed= 1.31 Groundspeed= 0.13 Heading= 273 Throttle %= 0 Baro alt= 36 Climb rate= 0.45 Mavlink in #0 Heartbeat: ap_type=1 ap_autopilot=3 ap_base_mode=89 ap_custom_mode=11 ap_system_status=5 ap_mavlink_version=3 Mavlink in #0 Heartbeat: ap_type=27 ap_autopilot=8 ap_base_mode=4 ap_custom_mode=0 ap_system_status=1 ap_mavlink_version=3 Mavlink in #33 GPS Int: ap_lat=54.xxxxxx ap_lon=12.xxxxxx ap_amsl=36 ap_alt_ag=-0.0 ap_vx=0.00 ap_vy=0.00 ap_vz=0.00 ap_gps_hdg=273.7 Mavlink in #27 Raw_IMU: accX=-0.05 accY=0.01 accZ=-1.00 Mavlink in #29 Scaled_Pressure: press_abs=1029.4hPa press_diff=0.000hPa temperature=35.1C Mavlink in #1 Sys_Status: Bat volts=18.852 Bat amps=0.3 mAh=0.045344 Total mAh=1.233 Bat1 cell count= 5 Mavlink in #125 Power Status: Vcc= 5027 Vservo= 5102 flags= 1 Mavlink in #24 GPS_RAW_INT: ap_fixtype=3 3D Fix sats visible=15 latitude=54.xxxxxxx longitude=12.xxxxxxx gps alt amsl=25.2 eph (hdop)=77 epv (vdop)=127 vel=0.180 cog=346.6 Mavlink in #65 RC_Channels: Channel count= 16 values: 1=1493 2=1494 3=982 4=1494 5=1494 6=1494 7=1494 8=1817 9=1494 10=1494 11=1494 12=1494 13=1494 14=1494 15=1494 16=982 Receive RSSI=49.21

But if I start my Taranis, the yaapu telemetry page tells me "no telemetry data". Is there anything I did wrong?

yaapu commented 5 years ago

Hi, my first wild guess is to delete and rediscover RSSI sensor on OpenTX, in ground mode that sensor is "faked" and is a relay of the LRS link quality.

KadaverJoe commented 5 years ago

Hi yaapu, thanks for the info. I deleted the RSSI and tried to rediscover it, but nothing happened. I only realized that if I change the ULRS to "RX" there are different options. I changed it to RX but then no Mavlink data are seen in the ULRS CC. When I change it to TX, I can see Mavlink packets.

yaapu commented 5 years ago

do you see any sensor at all on OpenTX? while the teensy is running do you have a valid (high) RSSI? I display "no telemetry data" when RSSI is 0 or when I do not receive valid frsky passthrough telemetry packets.

Unfortunately I'm not an ULRS user, you'll have to seek for Eric's help on that subject!

KadaverJoe commented 5 years ago

I don't see any sensor. You mean in the serial monitor? It seems to be always the same as stated above: 49.21 Even if I activate the Frs_Dummy_rssi option in Erics script, it still doesn't show any sensors.