yaapu / FrskyTelemetryScript

A LUA telemetry script and widget for the Horus X10(S),X12 and Taranis X9D+,X9E,QX7 and X-Lite radios using ArduPilot frsky passthru protocol
GNU General Public License v3.0
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No telemetry using TDMX receiver #212

Closed Thompson-AJ closed 10 months ago

Thompson-AJ commented 10 months ago

Hi all, thank you in advanced to anyone who can help me.

Problem: Unable to receive telemetry from FC Setup: X20S(Ethos 1.4.9), TDMX receiver, Pixhawk cube black(2.1) SERIALx_PROTOCOL = 10, SERIALx_OPTIONS = 4

The TDMX receiver has a built in inverted s.port so I was hoping it would be pretty easy to get this working. I've tried the inverted s.port and s.port pads just in case, tried with serial protocol set to 10 and 23, tried with serial option set to 4, 7, 15, and 160, tried telemetry port 1 and 2, changed telemetry sources, and different firmware versions. and pretty much every combo of the things I listed, no matter what I get no telemetry, I know the script is working at least since I get rssi and rx voltage. Not sure what to try at this point. Any ideas? I'd really appreciate it.

Update: I've borrowed a cube orange from another aircraft and am running into the same issue.

Thompson-AJ commented 10 months ago

Got it working! Set RC_Options to 8, and soldered a 10k resistor between the Signal and GND pins. Didn't work first try for some reason but it eventually worked. This was done on the Cube Orange for reference.