yaapu / HorusMappingWidget

Offline GPS Mapping Widget for Horus and T16 radios
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Generic sensors configs #29

Closed MrD-RC closed 3 years ago

MrD-RC commented 3 years ago

I was wondering is if there is any way of creating generic sensor config files?

Currently the sensor config files are modelname_sensors_maps.lua. This is great because it allows flexibility. But in reality, I think that people will only really use different sensor based on the link protocol.

Would it be possible for the user to create some sensor files, for example: smartport_gen_sensors_maps.lua mavlink_gen_sensors_maps.lua

Then, in the configuration of the model’s cfg file, the user can select which sensors file to use. Or, if a modelname_sensors_maps.lua file exists, that is used and not the file in the cfg.

I just think, for the most part, it would be quicker to set up maps on new models with generic sensors.

yaapu commented 3 years ago

Hi it's already that way, the script looks for the model specific one and if not found checks if a file named "default_sensors_maps.lua" exists

MrD-RC commented 3 years ago

It’s not quite the same. The default_sensors_maps.lua is a fallback of there is not one for a specific model. But it doesn’t know what telemetry you’re using, so the sensors could be completely wrong.

What I’d like to see is the ability to select a sensor config file, which can be standardised for either SmartPort sensors or Crossfire sensors for example. As both those link have different telemetry data and therefore sensors.

yaapu commented 3 years ago

ok, I'll add a default 1,2,3,4,5 etc mapping, should be ok

yaapu commented 3 years ago


use the config menu and select the sensor file type: model, profile1, profile2 or profile3 model falls back to default_sensorsmap.lua, the other options look for profile[1,2,3]_sensors_maps.lua

HazzaHFPV commented 3 years ago

I am sorry to announce that I am unable to get Version 1.2.2 working on my Jumper T16. v1.0 seemed to work fine. I tried overwriting just the old files with the new ones, as well as deleteing all old folders and files and reinstalled the widget including the re-creation of the map tiles. Widget version 1.2.2 however just displays "disabled". v1.0 works, or at least the widget it displayed..

The content of the "SD" folder in the Archive downloaded via the github release page seems suspicously small compared to v1.0? - If that even means something..

I am no pro. So a user error from my side while installing is quite possible... size

EDIT: I just noticed that trying to select "Widget Settings" from the Widget selection menu of the T16 displays following error: "refresh(): ?:0: attempt to index a string value"

MrD-RC commented 3 years ago

@yaapu I'm getting the same error on the Horus X10S Express.

My config: Heading sensor: Hdg Heading unit: deg sensor file: Have tried model and profile 1. Profile 1 was working on my v1.0 installation with the same aircraft model Map provider: GMapCatcher Map type: satellite I'm using the map data from v1.0 Map grid lines: no Map trail dots: 10 Wheel channel: 32 again, as on v1.0. Also, where is the setting to skip zoom levels? Map default zoom level: -1 map data does exist Map min zoom level: -1 Map max zoom level: 3 I have data for levels -1, 1, and 3

MrD-RC commented 3 years ago

The content of the "SD" folder in the Archive downloaded via the github release page seems suspicously small compared to v1.0? - If that even means something..

I am no pro. So a user error from my side while installing is quite possible... size

V1.0 had map data in the SD card folder. That is not there in this version.

MrD-RC commented 3 years ago

Just tried with Google Maps, and the same result.

yaapu commented 3 years ago

damn, I have it running on my radio, I must have corrupted the uploaded version, let me check it

yaapu commented 3 years ago

@HazzaHFPV @MrD-RC I've found the issue, 2 files were missing in the /SCRIPTS/YAAPU/LIB/ folder, sorry :-)

Zoom control is in the lua sensors config file, check at the end the zoomLevels table, you add single levels between min max and the widget will skip those not found there

HazzaHFPV commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the hard work :) v1.2.2 working now nicely

MrD-RC commented 3 years ago

I'm still having the same problem.

I've re-downloaded 1.2.2 and can confirm the 2 luac files (mapsdraw.luac & mapslayout.luac) are in the LIB folder. I've copied everything over from the zip to the transmitter (confirmed to overwrite all). Even deleted all the luac files with a corresponding lua files. Restarted the transmitter multiple times.

I still have refresh(): ?:0: attempted to index a string value when I check the Widget Setting on the telemetry setup screen, and attempting to run the widget results in Disabled.

yaapu commented 3 years ago

@MrD-RC you need to clone the latest dev branch, the files were added to the repo not to the release...sorry about that, will fix asap. /LIB/ folders needs 4 files 2 .lua 2 .luac

MrD-RC commented 3 years ago

@yaapu It's all working now. But I have some feedback for you.



At the moment, there is a big delay in the virtual scroll wheel for changing the map scale. I know why. Because it could be used with a regular 3 position switch. However, it would be great if there was a setting in the configuration to reduce or remove the delay. I'm using a repurposed trim switch, so it just needs a click to change the scale.

Switch direction

On google maps, the zoom in and out of the switch is reversed. For example, I use T6 as my scale switch. With GMapCatcher maps, the channel at 100% zooms in and -100 zooms out. With Google as the map provider, 100% channel values zooms out, and -100% zooms in. I guess this is because the number for the scale is reversed on Google. As in GMap -2 is the most detailed zoom level, but with Google, 20 is the most detailed.

Min/Max zoom level setting

With google maps, I tried to set the Min zoom level to 19 and the max to 1. Due to the scaling, this would be correct. But, it means you can't actually change the zoom level. Setting min to 1 and max to 19 works fine.


I've not tested with Crossfire yet. But on SmartPort, it's looking good. Thanks your work Alessandro. I can post screen grabs or example videos in the evening, if they'll help.