yabacon / paystack-php

A PHP Wrapper for Paystack API - https://www.paystack.com
MIT License
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save_last_transaction_reference() function not found #22

Open walegbenga opened 5 years ago

walegbenga commented 5 years ago

While trying to setup the paystack on my site and trying to verify a transaction(Test phase), this problem occurred Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function save_last_transaction_reference() in /home/vagrant/Code/Project/public/payProcess.php on line 28

I don't know if a function like this is in the software save_last_transaction_reference(). What is the way around it

Expected Results:

I expect it to store transaction reference

walegbenga commented 5 years ago

Seems paystack github account is no longer active

techbly commented 5 years ago

the function does not exist in the package. you are the one to create the function

walegbenga commented 5 years ago

I got that

walegbenga commented 5 years ago

I have to say, (My opinion) your readme.md is not explainable enough. I believe am also the one who will provide the page to redirect to so that the customer can pay // redirect to page so User can pay header('Location: ' . $tranx->data->authorization_url);

And if yes, where will the user be redirected when he press the submit button? The next explanation you gave does not explain this as this is the next explanation you made

//When the user enters their card details, Paystack will validate and charge the card. It will do all the below:........ I wonder where it will be redirected to.

And if no(i.e am not the one to provide this url [header('Location: ' . $tranx->data->authorization_url);]). Where will they be redirected to?

boxvibe commented 5 years ago

header('Location: ' . $tranx->data->authorization_url) redirects to paystack checkout