yabebalFantaye / MCEvidence

A python package implementing the MARGINAL LIKELIHOODS FROM MONTE CARLO MARKOV CHAINS algorithm described in Heavens et. al. (2017)
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Negative eigenvalues of the covariance matrix #12

Open subhajitghosh-phy opened 2 years ago

subhajitghosh-phy commented 2 years ago


I am trying to use this code to compute the Bayesian Evidence for chains computed using MontePython. I tried to test the code first on official Planck chains.

However, I am getting the following error: " ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)

in () ----> 1 MCEvidence('/afs/crc.nd.edu/user/s/sghosh5/driso/planck-official-chains/base/plikHM_TT/base_plikHM_TT').evidence() /afs/crc.nd.edu/user/s/sghosh5/MCEvidence/MCEvidence.pyc in evidence(self, verbose, rand, info, covtype, profile, pvolume, pos_lnp, nproc, prewhiten) 1055 1056 #diagonalise samples to have unit variance -> 1057 samples = self.diagonalise_chain(samples, covstat['eVec'], covstat['eVal']) 1058 1059 #We need the logarithm of the likelihood - not the negative log /afs/crc.nd.edu/user/s/sghosh5/MCEvidence/MCEvidence.pyc in diagonalise_chain(self, s, eigenVec, eigenVal) 845 # And renormalise new parameters to have unit covariance matrix: 846 for i in range(self.ndim): --> 847 s[:,i]= s[:,i]/math.sqrt(eigenVal[i]) 848 849 return s ValueError: math domain error " I think the error is happening due to negative eigenvalues of the covariance matrix (the code is trying to evaluate the square root of the eigenvalue) -- since I got the following warning before that! " INFO:MCEvidence.py.__init__():781 chain array dimensions: [37489] x 84 = INFO:MCEvidence.py.get_covariance():859 Estimating covariance matrix using all chains INFO:MCEvidence.py.get_covariance():863 covariance matrix estimated using nsample=37489 WARNING:MCEvidence.py.get_covariance():869 Some of the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix are negative and/or complex: INFO:MCEvidence.py.get_samples():910 getting samples for partition s1: nsamples=37489 " Can anyone please tell me what to do here? The official chains I am using are from: http://pla.esac.esa.int/pla/aio/product-action?COSMOLOGY.FILE_ID=COM_CosmoParams_base-plikHM_R3.01.zip Thanks in advance! Best, Subhajit
subhajitghosh-phy commented 2 years ago

I think I figured it out! I looked into the associated Planck chain analysis code supplied with the code. As long as I restrict the dimensions to the primary cosmological parameters (by ndim), I am not getting negative eigenvalues and the evidence calculation goes through!

The negative eigenvalues all correspond to the nuisance parameters. I will be happy if someone can explain what negative eigenvalues means in this context!
