Closed buzjuka closed 2 years ago
Hi. Thanks for response) No) I'm using RoR. Maybe I missed some config lines or something else. But This is my environment
rails 5.2
puma 4.3.7
yabeda (0.11.0)
I have add these lines to my app
# Gemfile.rb
group :production, :staging do
gem 'yabeda-puma-plugin'
gem 'yabeda-prometheus-mmap'
plugin :yabeda
plugin :yabeda_prometheus
And nothing. I have got blank response from metrics
After some research. I just add
# initializers/yabeda.rb
Yabeda.configure! if Rails.env.production? || Rails.env.staging?
Maybe this is bug related to using "single repo" pattern. I don't know.
But I think it could be helpfull for someone else)
That's really weird. It should be auto-configured. Thanks for providing details, I will take a look.
@Envek just to add, we had exactly the same issue. Rails 6.1 & Ruby 3.0
I had a similar problem. I created the issue.
Thank you for contribution!
I guess that you're not using Rails, right? Because for Ruby on Rails we have railtie that auto-configures Yabeda. What is your stack? Maybe we can add some auto-configuration logic for some other frameworks also.