yabwe / medium-editor

Medium.com WYSIWYG editor clone. Uses contenteditable API to implement a rich text solution.
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Allow linebreaks instead of paragraphs for copy-pasted code #1582

Open iwasherefirst2 opened 2 years ago

iwasherefirst2 commented 2 years ago


I am using medium-editor for my developing blog. I want to add code by copy-paste and then use prism.js to display it. Currently when I copy & paste code, each line is a new paragraph. This does not work with prism.js. I would need real linebreaks.

How can I change that if I copy multiple lines that they are not in multiple paragraphs, but just separated by \n? Is this configurable?

Steps to reproduce

  1. Copy multiple lines in editor

Expected behavior: Lines should be seperated by new line

Actual behavior: Lines are seperated by paragraph


iwasherefirst2 commented 2 years ago

I found out that I can use the paste options to prevent HTML tags, but I still get <br> with line breaks. I tried these settings:

paste: {
                forcePlainText: true,
                cleanPastedHTML: true,
                cleanReplacements: [
                    [new RegExp(/<br>/gi), "\n"],

This is almost what I am looking for, but "
" seems not to be replaced by a newline, but instead by just nothing?

julienGrd commented 1 year ago

yeah same behavior here https://github.com/yabwe/medium-editor/issues/1600

anyway this project is dead and full of bug, i will begin to search for another library for editing HTML