Title: Containerize your microservice using Docker
As a developer
I need to containerize my microservice using Docker
So that I can deploy it easily with all of its dependencies
Create a Dockerfile for repeatable builds
Use a Python:3.9-slim image as the base
It must install all of the Python requirements
It should not run as root
It should use the gunicorn wsgi server as an entry point
Acceptance Criteria
Given the Docker image named accounts has been created
When I use docker run accounts
Then I should see the accounts service running in Docker
Title: Containerize your microservice using Docker As a developer I need to containerize my microservice using Docker So that I can deploy it easily with all of its dependencies
for repeatable buildsPython:3.9-slim
image as the baseroot
wsgi server as an entry pointAcceptance Criteria
Given the Docker image named accounts has been created When I use
docker run accounts
Then I should see the accounts service running in Docker