yacoubb / stock-trading-ml

A stock trading bot that uses machine learning to make price predictions.
GNU General Public License v3.0
598 stars 254 forks source link

You are an idiot #1

Open preachermaan opened 4 years ago

preachermaan commented 4 years ago

I'm sorry to be harsh, but you are an idiot. Your method for predicting stock prices is wrong on so many levels. If it were this easy then everyone would be doing it. Do you think machine learning is magic and that you can predict price purely by looking at historical prices? To use an old adage, try getting in your car and driving using only the rear view mirror and see how you do.

I emplore you to take down your blog post, get some real experience with ML before some moron believes you and wastes their money trying to implement this for real.

yacoubb commented 4 years ago

I don't think machine learning is magic, no, but I do think that there may exist some complex and noisy patterns inside stock history that could be used to predict the very next day's price of that stock. There are certainly many issues with the project as it stands, but I would like to know exactly how the method is wrong? That way it can be improved!

Mapminded commented 4 years ago

hi Yacoubb, I loved your reaction to bullies. Staying zen and polite is always the best option when somebody critizises without telling why. And thanks for sharing your code, I just started developing and your project was very inspiring to me.

XyzzyX44 commented 4 years ago

I like the project. I have been trying to improve on it as well. Don't listen to the haters. You got this!