yacoubb / stock-trading-ml

A stock trading bot that uses machine learning to make price predictions.
GNU General Public License v3.0
598 stars 254 forks source link

No predicted in graph #9

Closed BNGdev closed 3 years ago

BNGdev commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot, Yacoub. It's an interesting project.

I want to make it running on Jupyter Notebook but can't make it work yet. I'm new here, still trying...

Under Anaconda, I run your code, and found 2 issues:

1/ set_random_seed() can't be imported, I made a minor update to fix it.

from tensorflow import set_random_seed


import tensorflow tensorflow.random.set_seed(4)

2/ I run my data but the final graph could not show the predicted line. Here are some of the outputs. Does it mean something wrong with my data? Using TensorFlow backend. (4535, 50, 5) (504, 50, 5) 2020-05-17 00:47:18.540599: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:142] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX AVX2 Train on 4081 samples, validate on 454 samples Epoch 1/50 4081/4081 [==============================] - 3s 626us/step - loss: nan - val_loss: nan Epoch 2/50 4081/4081 [==============================] - 2s 537us/step - loss: nan - val_loss: nan Epoch 3/50

XyzzyX44 commented 4 years ago

Check out this post. It basically states that the issue is with your CPU. If you have a supported GPU card, you could set your system up to work with it.
