yadayada / acd_cli

An unmaintained command line interface and FUSE filesystem for Amazon (Cloud) Drive
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Prefetch in FUSE fs #360

Open Njcki opened 8 years ago

Njcki commented 8 years ago

Hi, I wondered if you can add a sort of prefetching feature. I mean if a program asks for a file starting from xxx byte then acd_cli may automatically pre-download (and store locally) from xxx to xxx+50MB, and so on...

What do you think?


msh100 commented 8 years ago

I am curious if changing the FUSE option for readahead would help you here

jetbalsa commented 8 years ago

Well, I've gone down a rabbit hole! I found this directory while searching around: https://tahoe-lafs.org/~warner/tahoe-reliability/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/ -- Looks to be under the GPLv2 as well.. mirrorfs.py is almost what we are looking for, there are other bindings in there as well that was VERY interesting. maybe Ill make a mod and see how it rolls

jetbalsa commented 8 years ago

Oh and this is a thing: https://github.com/cconstantine/CacheFS

I'm 50/50 if it has any kind of expire and it needs disk checking badly to make sure it doesn't overload a disk,

jetbalsa commented 8 years ago

Or I dunno, use the proper old school tool that does everything: http://linux.die.net/man/8/cachefilesd

(Found in most repos, very easy to use and has been working well for me in the last 24 hours

zenjabba commented 8 years ago

Cachefiled looks interesting, but I'm trying to figure out how to make ACDCLI use it. I mount ACDCLI via a screen command (to keep it in the FG) so not sure how to call it from the command line. Any Suggestions?

jetbalsa commented 8 years ago

I did a loopback NFS but I noticed that it was having issues with talking FUSE, so I scraped the idea

zenjabba commented 8 years ago

understood. scratch that idea then ;)