yadayada / acd_cli

An unmaintained command line interface and FUSE filesystem for Amazon (Cloud) Drive
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End of change request not reached. #444

Closed spuniun closed 8 years ago

spuniun commented 8 years ago

I know this has been reported a number of times by various users for the past many months but looking thru all of them I find no specific cause or resolution. Last night at 5am during my nightly upload and sync, acd_cli failed. Since then no sync has been able to complete. I'm not sure what else to do to try to resolve accept keep trying as it seems others with this issue have had to do.

$ acd_cli -dd sync 16-10-14 09:35:20.837 [INFO] [acd_cli] - Plugin leaf classes: TestPlugin 16-10-14 09:35:20.837 [INFO] [acd_cli] - TestPlugin attached. 16-10-14 09:35:20.837 [INFO] [acd_cli] - Settings path is ".config/acd_cli". 16-10-14 09:35:20.838 [DEBUG] [acdcli.utils.conf] - configuration resulting from merging default and acd_cli.ini: {'download': {'keep_corrupt': 'False', 'keep_incomplete': 'True'}, 'DEFAULT': {}, 'upload': {'timeout_wait': '10'}} 16-10-14 09:35:20.839 [DEBUG] [acdcli.utils.conf] - configuration resulting from merging default and acd_client.ini: {'proxies': {}, 'DEFAULT': {}, 'endpoints': {'validity_duration': '259200', 'filename': 'endpoint_data'}, 'transfer': {'connection_timeout': '30', 'dl_chunk_size': '524288000', 'idle_timeout': '60', 'chunk_retries': '1', 'fs_chunk_size': '131072'}} 16-10-14 09:35:20.839 [INFO] [acdcli.api.client] - Initializing ACD with path ".cache/acd_cli". 16-10-14 09:35:20.839 [INFO] [acdcli.api.oauth] - AppspotOAuthHandler initialized 16-10-14 09:35:20.840 [DEBUG] [acdcli.utils.conf] - configuration resulting from merging default and cache.ini: {'DEFAULT': {}, 'sqlite': {'journal_mode': 'wal', 'filename': 'nodes.db', 'busy_timeout': '30000'}, 'blacklist': {'folders': '[]'}} 16-10-14 09:35:20.840 [INFO] [acdcli.cache.schema] - DB schema version is 2. 16-10-14 09:35:20.841 [DEBUG] [acd_cli] - Namespace(acd_client=<acdcli.api.client.ACDClient object at 0x7f6afc5dce48>, action='sync', cache=<acdcli.cache.db.NodeCache object at 0x7f6afc5c6b70>, check=0, color=2, debug=2, from_file=None, full=False, func=<function sync_action at 0x7f6afc5c5400>, log=True, no_wait=False, to_file=None, utf=False, verbose=None) Getting changes16-10-14 09:35:20.841 [INFO] [acdcli.api.metadata] - Getting changes with checkpoint "None". 16-10-14 09:35:20.841 [DEBUG] [acdcli.api.backoff_req] - Retry 0, waiting -0.001735s 16-10-14 09:35:20.841 [INFO] [acdcli.api.backoff_req] - POST "https://cdws.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/drive/v1/changes" 16-10-14 09:35:20.841 [DEBUG] [acdcli.api.backoffreq] - {} 16-10-14 09:35:20.843 [INFO] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] - Starting new HTTPS connection (1): cdws.us-east-1.amazonaws.com send: b'POST /drive/v1/changes HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: cdws.us-east-1.amazonaws.com\r\nAccept: /_\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nUser-Agent: acdcli.api/0.9.0 python-requests/2.11.1\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\nContent-Length: 2\r\nAuthorization: Bearer ****\r\n\r\n{}' reply: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n' header: Server header: Date header: Content-Type header: Transfer-Encoding header: Connection header: x-amzn-RequestId header: Content-Encoding header: Cache-Control header: Pragma header: Vary 16-10-14 09:35:25.591 [DEBUG] [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] - "POST /drive/v1/changes HTTP/1.1" 200 None 16-10-14 09:35:25.591 [DEBUG] [acdcli.api.backoff_req] - x-amzn-RequestId: 0d7c69fd-9213-11e6-bd41-ed44383e9a91 ........ 16-10-14 09:35:55.082 [INFO] [acdcli.api.metadata] - Found "reset" tag in changes. 16-10-14 09:35:55.083 [DEBUG] [acdcli.api.metadata] - Checkpoint: CPGHlKDYKRoA 16-10-14 09:35:55.862 [INFO] [acdcli.cache.schema] - Dropped all tables. 16-10-14 09:35:56.974 [INFO] [acdcli.cache.schema] - DB schema version is 2. Inserting nodes16-10-14 09:35:57.150 [INFO] [acdcli.cache.sync] - Inserted/updated 93 folder(s). 16-10-14 09:35:57.893 [INFO] [acdcli.cache.sync] - Inserted/updated 1708 file(s). 16-10-14 09:35:58.052 [INFO] [acdcli.cache.sync] - Parented 1801 node(s). .16-10-14 09:35:58.343 [DEBUG] [acdcli.api.metadata] - Checkpoint: CKXG7O_YKRoA 16-10-14 09:35:59.195 [INFO] [acdcli.cache.sync] - Inserted/updated 1931 file(s). 16-10-14 09:35:59.371 [INFO] [acdcli.cache.sync] - Parented 1931 node(s). .16-10-14 09:35:59.626 [DEBUG] [acdcli.api.metadata] - Checkpoint: CNe1uJrZKRoA 16-10-14 09:36:00.464 [INFO] [acdcli.cache.sync] - Inserted/updated 1810 file(s). 16-10-14 09:36:00.640 [INFO] [acdcli.cache.sync] - Parented 1810 node(s). .16-10-14 09:36:00.895 [DEBUG] [acdcli.api.metadata] - Checkpoint: CI6Jk9vaKRoA 16-10-14 09:36:01.926 [INFO] [acdcli.cache.sync] - Inserted/updated 1940 file(s). 16-10-14 09:36:02.118 [INFO] [acdcli.cache.sync] - Parented 1940 node(s). .16-10-14 09:36:02.374 [DEBUG] [acdcli.api.metadata] - Checkpoint: CN-lsrzbKRoA 16-10-14 09:36:03.353 [INFO] [acdcli.cache.sync] - Inserted/updated 1936 file(s). 16-10-14 09:36:03.570 [INFO] [acdcli.cache.sync] - Parented 1936 node(s). .16-10-14 09:36:03.860 [DEBUG] [acdcli.api.metadata] - Checkpoint: CKaRvPLcKRoA 16-10-14 09:36:04.871 [INFO] [acdcli.cache.sync] - Inserted/updated 1948 file(s). 16-10-14 09:36:05.080 [INFO] [acdcli.cache.sync] - Parented 1948 node(s). .16-10-14 09:36:05.378 [DEBUG] [acdcli.api.metadata] - Checkpoint: CKno1qPdKRoA 16-10-14 09:36:06.392 [INFO] [acdcli.cache.sync] - Inserted/updated 1908 file(s). 16-10-14 09:36:06.634 [INFO] [acdcli.cache.sync] - Parented 1908 node(s). .16-10-14 09:36:06.912 [DEBUG] [acdcli.api.metadata] - Checkpoint: CL3k0fPdKRoA 16-10-14 09:36:08.160 [INFO] [acdcli.cache.sync] - Inserted/updated 1841 file(s). 16-10-14 09:36:08.461 [INFO] [acdcli.cache.sync] - Parented 1841 node(s). .16-10-14 09:36:08.678 [INFO] [acdcli.api.metadata] - 7 page(s) in changes. 16-10-14 09:36:08.678 [WARNING] [acdcli.api.metadata] - End of change request not reached.

spuniun commented 8 years ago

So like others have stated in past issues, I just kept trying to sync every 10min or so. Each time it seemed to get a little bit farther and finally after a few hours the sync completed successfully. I wish I knew the cause of this as it was extremely disruptive.