yadt / yadtreceiver

Executes yadtshell commands triggered by a yadtbroadcaster.
1 stars 1 forks source link

receiver does not work with autobahn 0.9.x #3

Open locolupo opened 9 years ago

locolupo commented 9 years ago
PyBuilder version 0.10.36
Build started at 2014-10-31 12:16:02
[INFO]  Building yadtreceiver version 0.4.1
[INFO]  Executing build in /home/vagrant/yadtreceiver
[INFO]  Going to execute tasks: analyze, publish
[INFO]  Executing unittest Python modules in /home/vagrant/yadtreceiver/src/unittest/python
[ERROR] Import error in unittest file /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/yadtbroadcastclient/__init__.py, due to statement 'from autobahn.wamp1.protocol import WampClientFactory, WampClientProtocol' on line 10
[ERROR] Error importing unittests: No module named wamp1.protocol
BUILD FAILED - Unable to execute unit tests.
Build finished at 2014-10-31 12:16:02
Build took 0 seconds (154 ms)

after installing autobahn 0.8.15 everything is fine:

sudo pip install autobahn-0.8.15.zip
[INFO]  Executed 126 unittests
[INFO]  All unittests passed.
[INFO]  Collecting coverage information
[INFO]  Executing unittest Python modules in /home/vagrant/yadtreceiver/src/unittest/python
[INFO]  Executed 126 unittests
[INFO]  All unittests passed.
[INFO]  Overall coverage is 93%
[INFO]  Building distribution in /home/vagrant/yadtreceiver/target/dist/yadtreceiver-0.4.1
[INFO]  Copying scripts to /home/vagrant/yadtreceiver/target/dist/yadtreceiver-0.4.1/scripts
[INFO]  Copying resources matching 'setup.cfg post-install.sh post-uninstall.sh' from /home/vagrant/yadtreceiver to /home/vagrant/yadtreceiver/target/dist/yadtreceiver-0.4.1
[INFO]  Filter resources matching **/yadtreceiver/__init__.py in /home/vagrant/yadtreceiver/target
[INFO]  Writing MANIFEST.in as /home/vagrant/yadtreceiver/target/dist/yadtreceiver-0.4.1/MANIFEST.in
[INFO]  Writing setup.py as /home/vagrant/yadtreceiver/target/dist/yadtreceiver-0.4.1/setup.py
[INFO]  Running integration test should_load_configuration_file_tests
[INFO]  Executed 1 integration tests.
[INFO]  Building binary distribution in /home/vagrant/yadtreceiver/target/dist/yadtreceiver-0.4.1
Build Summary
             Project: yadtreceiver
             Version: 0.4.1
      Base directory: /home/vagrant/yadtreceiver
               Tasks: prepare [76 ms] compile_sources [0 ms] run_unit_tests [165 ms] analyze [641 ms] package [7 ms] run_integration_tests [121 ms] verify [0 ms] publish [300 ms]
Build finished at 2014-10-31 12:20:04
Build took 1 seconds (1320 ms)

i've checked the changelog and they removed all WAMP v1 code


Published 2014-09-02

all WAMP v1 code removed
migrated various WAMP examples to WAMP v2
improved unicode/bytes handling
lots of code quality polishment
more unit test coverage

i think WAMPv1 is gone and we should drop the the support

mriehl commented 9 years ago

Try using yadtbroadcast-client-wamp2, it worked on my dev setup a few months ago, but I have not tried using it in a production setup.

mriehl commented 9 years ago

Would be great if you could report your findings here

mriehl commented 9 years ago

Plain pip install seems to work also, so you could use

project.depends_on("autobahn", "==0.8.15")

in the build.py should you want the old v1 implementation. However I would suggest looking forward and getting it to work with wamp v2 as you already wrote.

locolupo commented 9 years ago

Would be great if you could report your findings here

We have the same issue with the yadtbroadcast-server and autobahn 0.9.2

yadtbroadcast-server.py &
[1] 5550
[vagrant@vagrant-centos65 ~]$ Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/yadtbroadcast-server.py", line 18, in <module>
    from autobahn.wamp1.protocol import WampServerFactory
ImportError: No module named wamp1.protocol

we have a try except for autobahn but autobahn 0.9 changed a bit more ;)

    from autobahn.wamp import WampServerFactory
except ImportError:  # autobahn 0.8.0+
    from autobahn.wamp1.protocol import WampServerFactory
>>> from autobahn.wamp import WampServerFactory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: cannot import name WampServerFactory
>>> from autobahn.wamp1.protocol import WampServerFactory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named wamp1.protocol
mriehl commented 9 years ago

controller + receiver work fine with the respective feature/wamp2 branch. Broadcast-server must be replaced by a dist-wamp-router and everything works.

Will close when wamp2 branches are merged into master and dist-wamp-router setup is well documented (especially the riak cluster setup).

mriehl commented 9 years ago