yaegassy / coc-intelephense

intelephense (PHP language server) extension for coc.nvim. intelephense’s various LSP features and this extension's additional features are available.
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refactor: change from disableXXXX to disabledFeatures #17

Closed yaegassy closed 2 years ago

yaegassy commented 2 years ago


In this commit of coc.nvim, disableCompletion etc. have been removed and disabledFeatures has been added.

This is a feature change that also affects the LanguageClientOptions in the coc extension.

I told chemzqm that there might be a problem, and he was able to adjust it.

However, :CocInfo will output a WARN message. This WARN message has no adverse effect on the feature itself.

2022-02-04T16:02:53.420 WARN (pid:24998) [language-client-client] - disableCompletion in the client options is deprecated. use disabledFeatures instead. 


Since disableCompletion and others have been deprecated, refactor to move to disabledFeatures.