yafred / chess-explorer-go

Explore your chess games from multiple sources
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 2 forks source link

OS? #7

Open Damianeire opened 3 years ago

Damianeire commented 3 years ago

Sorry for newb question. Is Mac OS Mojave going to work with linux-amd64, or darwin-amd64, or should I install golang and compile from source?

yafred commented 3 years ago

try darwin-amd64 first and tell me

Damianeire commented 3 years ago

Hmm. So I obviously just don't know how to do this. I've used home-brew for everything before. I download the file to my download folder, go to terminal on mac, cd to downloads and type in chess-explorer-darwin-amd64 lichess DamoIreland and it returns: command not found Just typing chess-explorer-darwin-amd64 gives the same. Sorry for newb response.

Damianeire commented 3 years ago

Also, I may have some larger terminal issue. I installed golang, but can't access that through terminal either. I have a suspicion I've messed something up via terminal at some point and should probably just to a clean reinstall to fix a few issues on my mac.

Damianeire commented 3 years ago

The install of golang (go?) was successful, but again, when I run go from terminal I get command not found

yafred commented 3 years ago

./chess-explorer-darwin-amd64 lichess DamoIreland

yafred commented 3 years ago

Don't apologize for being a newbee: I welcome all your comments to improve the readme

Damianeire commented 3 years ago

./chess-explorer-darwin-amd64 lichess DamoIreland resulted in 'permission denied'. I then ran sudo !! and the response was command not found

yafred commented 3 years ago

try this chmod a+x chess-explorer-darwin-amd64 and then ./chess-explorer-darwin-amd64 lichess DamoIreland

Damianeire commented 3 years ago

We're getting somewhere: 2021/04/07 14:50:09 Cannot connect to DB mongodb://

Damianeire commented 3 years ago

OK, I had installed Mongo but not created a cluster. Doing that now and will try again.

yafred commented 3 years ago

I found this: https://treehouse.github.io/installation-guides/mac/mongo-mac.html

I did not realize that it was so complicated on MacOS

Damianeire commented 3 years ago

OK interesting. I've been trying to connect with a Mongodb cluster via the app and their website with no success. I'll give that webpage a go tomorrow. Thanks for your help with this.