yagitoshiro / CropImage

Titanium Mobile (Android) image cropping module.
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Without return #2

Open fukhaos opened 10 years ago

fukhaos commented 10 years ago

After pick the image and crop, nothing happens.

yagitoshiro commented 8 years ago

Gone in the air. You can never capture it again. Save it before cropping for a rainy day.

yagitoshiro commented 8 years ago

Ah, sorry I misread your comments. It's soooo old module that I've not tested it for so long.

yagitoshiro commented 8 years ago

Thanks all, try 0.2. https://github.com/yagitoshiro/CropImage/blob/master/dist/org.selfkleptomaniac.ti.mod.cropimage-android-0.2.zip

aakashsharmaindore commented 8 years ago

Hey , Yagitoshiro....Thanks, It Works :) :+1:

aakashsharmaindore commented 8 years ago

hey Yogitsohiro , module is not working when i am using camera image for cropping , it shows error "index0 requested with a size of 0". if you have any suggestion then i am waiting.

my code //**

var window = Ti.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor : 'white' });

var ViewCropImage = Ti.UI.createImageView({ height : 100, width : 100, top : 10, borderColor : "black", });


var label = Ti.UI.createLabel({ color : 'Black', text : 'click me' }); window.add(label);

// TODO: write your module tests here var cropimage = require('org.selfkleptomaniac.ti.mod.cropimage'); Ti.API.info("module is => " + cropimage);

if (Ti.Platform.name == "android") { window.addEventListener('click', function(){ Ti.Media.showCamera({ success:function(elem){ cropimage.cropper({ success:function(e){ Ti.API.info(e);//cropped image }, error:function(){alert('cropper error');}, cancel:function(){alert('croppe canceled');}, image:elem.media}, 300, 300); }, cancel:function(){alert('cancel');}, error:function(){alert('error');} }); }); }


yagitoshiro commented 8 years ago

ok i'll check it out.