yagop / telegram-bot

UNMAINTAINED - A Telegram Bot based on plugins
GNU General Public License v2.0
848 stars 502 forks source link

help #364

Open pekkahacker opened 8 years ago

pekkahacker commented 8 years ago

https://github.com/SEEDTEAM/TeleSeed.git thats teleseed an antispammer based yagop there bot doesnt have problem i have problem bot started without error but it doesnt respond and only when i send !id it send my id and maybe i am not sudo user the bot.lua in teleseed renamed seed.lua thts seed.lua codes how take my self sudo user

package.path = package.path .. ';.luarocks/share/lua/5.2/?.lua' ..';.luarocks/share/lua/5.2/?/init.lua' package.cpath = package.cpath .. ';.luarocks/lib/lua/5.2/?.so'


VERSION = '1.0'

-- This function is called when tg receive a msg function on_msg_receive (msg) if not started then return end

local receiver = get_receiver(msg) print (receiver)

--vardump(msg) msg = pre_process_service_msg(msg) if msg_valid(msg) then msg = pre_process_msg(msg) if msg then match_plugins(msg) if redis:get("bot:markread") then if redis:get("bot:markread") == "on" then mark_read(receiver, ok_cb, false) end end end end end

function ok_cb(extra, success, result) end

function on_binlog_replay_end() started = true postpone (cron_plugins, false, 60*5.0)

_config = load_config()

-- load plugins plugins = {} load_plugins() end

function msg_valid(msg) -- Don't process outgoing messages if msg.out then print('\27[36mNot valid: msg from us\27[39m') return false end

-- Before bot was started if msg.date < now then print('\27[36mNot valid: old msg\27[39m') return false end

if msg.unread == 0 then print('\27[36mNot valid: readed\27[39m') return false end

if not msg.to.id then print('\27[36mNot valid: To id not provided\27[39m') return false end

if not msg.from.id then print('\27[36mNot valid: From id not provided\27[39m') return false end

if msg.from.id == our_id then print('\27[36mNot valid: Msg from our id\27[39m') return false end

if msg.to.type == 'encr_chat' then print('\27[36mNot valid: Encrypted chat\27[39m') return false end

if msg.from.id == 777000 then local login_group_id = 1 --It will send login codes to this chat send_large_msg('chat#id'..login_group_id, msg.text) end

return true end

function pre_process_service_msg(msg) if msg.service then local action = msg.action or {type=""} -- Double ! to discriminate of normal actions msg.text = "!!tgservice " .. action.type

  -- wipe the data to allow the bot to read service messages
  if msg.out then
     msg.out = false
  if msg.from.id == our_id then
     msg.from.id = 0

end return msg end

-- Apply plugin.pre_process function function pre_process_msg(msg) for name,plugin in pairs(plugins) do if plugin.pre_process and msg then print('Preprocess', name) msg = plugin.pre_process(msg) end end

return msg end

-- Go over enabled plugins patterns. function match_plugins(msg) for name, plugin in pairs(plugins) do match_plugin(plugin, name, msg) end end

-- Check if plugin is on _config.disabled_plugin_on_chat table local function is_plugin_disabled_on_chat(plugin_name, receiver) local disabled_chats = _config.disabled_plugin_on_chat -- Table exists and chat has disabled plugins if disabled_chats and disabled_chats[receiver] then -- Checks if plugin is disabled on this chat for disabled_plugin,disabled in pairs(disabled_chats[receiver]) do if disabled_plugin == plugin_name and disabled then local warning = 'Plugin '..disabled_plugin..' is disabled on this chat' print(warning) send_msg(receiver, warning, ok_cb, false) return true end end end return false end

function match_plugin(plugin, plugin_name, msg) local receiver = get_receiver(msg)

-- Go over patterns. If one matches it's enough. for k, pattern in pairs(plugin.patterns) do local matches = match_pattern(pattern, msg.text) if matches then print("msg matches: ", pattern)

  if is_plugin_disabled_on_chat(plugin_name, receiver) then
    return nil
  -- Function exists
  if plugin.run then
    -- If plugin is for privileged users only
    if not warns_user_not_allowed(plugin, msg) then
      local result = plugin.run(msg, matches)
      if result then
        send_large_msg(receiver, result)
  -- One patterns matches

end end

-- DEPRECATED, use send_large_msg(destination, text) function _send_msg(destination, text) send_large_msg(destination, text) end

-- Save the content of _config to config.lua function save_config( ) serialize_to_file(_config, './data/config.lua') print ('saved config into ./data/config.lua') end

-- Returns the config from config.lua file. -- If file doesn't exist, create it. function load_config( ) local f = io.open('./data/config.lua', "r") -- If config.lua doesn't exist if not f then print ("Created new config file: data/config.lua") create_config() else f:close() end local config = loadfile ("./data/config.lua")() for v,user in pairs(config.sudo_users) do print("Allowed user: " .. user) end return config end

-- Create a basic config.json file and saves it. function create_config( ) -- A simple config with basic plugins and ourselves as privileged user config = { enabled_plugins = { "onservice", "inrealm", "ingroup", "inpm", "banhammer", "stats", "anti_spam", "owners", "arabic_lock", "set", "get", "broadcast", "download_media", "invite", "all", "leave_ban", "admin" }, sudo_users = {110626080,103649648,111020322,111020322,0,tonumber(our_id)},--Sudo users disabled_channels = {}, moderation = {data = 'data/moderation.json'}, about_text = [[Teleseed v2 - Open Source An advance Administration bot based on yagop/telegram-bot https://github.com/SEEDTEAM/TeleSeed Admins @iwals [Founder] @imandaneshi [Developer] @Rondoozle [Developer] @seyedan25 [Manager] Special thanks to awkward_potato Siyanew topkecleon Vamptacus Our channels @teleseedch [English] @iranseed [persian] ]], help_text_realm = [[ Realm Commands: !creategroup [Name] Create a group !createrealm [Name] Create a realm !setname [Name] Set realm name !setabout [GroupID] [Text] Set a group's about text !setrules [GroupID] [Text] Set a group's rules !lock [GroupID] [setting] Lock a group's setting !unlock [GroupID] [setting] Unock a group's setting !wholist Get a list of members in group/realm !who Get a file of members in group/realm !type Get group type !kill chat [GroupID] Kick all memebers and delete group !kill realm [RealmID] Kick all members and delete realm !addadmin [id|username] Promote an admin by id OR username _Sudo only !removeadmin [id|username] Demote an admin by id OR username Sudo only !list groups Get a list of all groups !list realms Get a list of all realms !log Grt a logfile of current group or realm !broadcast [text] !broadcast Hello ! Send text to all groups Only sudo users can run this command !bc [group_id] [text] !bc 123456789 Hello ! This command will send text to [group_id] _U can use both "/" and "!" _Only admins and sudo can add bots in group Only admins and sudo can use kick,ban,unban,newlink,setphoto,setname,lock,unlock,set rules,set about and settings commands Only admins and sudo can use res, setowner, commands ]], help_text = [[ Commands list : !kick [username|id] You can also do it by reply !ban [ username|id] You can also do it by reply !unban [id] You can also do it by reply !who Members list !modlist Moderators list !promote [username] Promote someone !demote [username] Demote someone !kickme Will kick user !about Group description !setphoto Set and locks group photo !setname [name] Set group name !rules Group rules !id return group id or user id !help !lock [member|name|bots|leave]
Locks [member|name|bots|leaveing] !unlock [member|name|bots|leave] Unlocks [member|name|bots|leaving] !set rules Set as rules !set about Set as about !settings Returns group settings !newlink create/revoke your group link !link returns group link !owner returns group owner id !setowner [id] Will set id as owner !setflood [value] Set [value] as flood sensitivity !stats Simple message statistics !save [value] Save as [value] !get [value] Returns text of [value] !clean [modlist|rules|about] Will clear [modlist|rules|about] and set it to nil !res [username] returns user id "!res @username" !log will return group logs !banlist will return group ban list _U can use both "/" and "!" Only owner and mods can add bots in group Only moderators and owner can use kick,ban,unban,newlink,link,setphoto,setname,lock,unlock,set rules,set about and settings commands Only owner can use res,setowner,promote,demote and log commands ]] } serialize_to_file(config, './data/config.lua') print('saved config into ./data/config.lua') end

function on_our_id (id) our_id = id end

function on_user_update (user, what) --vardump (user) end

function on_chat_update (chat, what)


function on_secret_chat_update (schat, what) --vardump (schat) end

function on_get_difference_end () end

-- Enable plugins in config.json function load_plugins() for k, v in pairs(_config.enabled_plugins) do print("Loading plugin", v)

local ok, err =  pcall(function()
  local t = loadfile("plugins/"..v..'.lua')()
  plugins[v] = t

if not ok then
  print('\27[31mError loading plugin '..v..'\27[39m')
  print(tostring(io.popen("lua plugins/"..v..".lua"):read('*all')))

end end

-- custom add function load_data(filename)

local f = io.open(filename)
if not f then
    return {}
local s = f:read('*all')
local data = JSON.decode(s)

return data


function save_data(filename, data)

local s = JSON.encode(data)
local f = io.open(filename, 'w')


-- Call and postpone execution for cron plugins function cron_plugins()

for name, plugin in pairs(plugins) do -- Only plugins with cron function if plugin.cron ~= nil then plugin.cron() end end

-- Called again in 2 mins postpone (cron_plugins, false, 120) end

-- Start and load values our_id = 0 now = os.time() math.randomseed(now) started = false

mortezaabbasloo commented 7 years ago

sudo_users = {110626080,103649648,111020322,111020322,0,tonumber(our_id)},--Sudo users Admins @iwals [Founder] @imandaneshi [Developer] @Rondoozle [Developer] @seyedan25 [Manager] Special thanks to awkward_potato Siyanew topkecleon Vamptacus Our channels @teleseedch [English] @iranseed [persian] ]], help_text_realm = [[ Realm Commands: !creategroup [Name] Create a group !createrealm [Name] Create a realm !setname [Name] Set realm name !setabout [GroupID] [Text] Set a group's about text !setrules [GroupID] [Text] Set a group's rules !lock [GroupID] [setting] Lock a group's setting !unlock [GroupID] [setting] Unock a group's setting !wholist Get a list of members in group/realm !who Get a file of members in group/realm !type Get group type !kill chat [GroupID] Kick all memebers and delete group !kill realm [RealmID] Kick all members and delete realm !addadmin [id|username] Promote an admin by id OR username Sudo only !removeadmin [id|username] Demote an admin by id OR username Sudo only !list groups Get a list of all groups !list realms Get a list of all realms !log Grt a logfile of current group or realm !broadcast [text] !broadcast Hello ! Send text to all groups Only sudo users can run this command !bc [group_id] [text] !bc 123456789 Hello ! This command will send text to [group_id] U can use both "/" and "!" Only admins and sudo can add bots in group Only admins and sudo can use kick,ban,unban,newlink,setphoto,setname,lock,unlock,set rules,set about and settings commands Only admins and sudo can use res, setowner, commands ]], help_text = [[ Commands list : !kick [username|id] You can also do it by reply !ban [ username|id] You can also do it by reply !unban !setname [name] !rules !id !help !unlock [member|name|bots|leave !set rules !set about !settings !link !owner !setowner [id] !setflood [value] !res [username] !log !banlist