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Remarkable Rookies variant (Chess With Different Armies) #17

Closed prendradjaja closed 3 years ago

prendradjaja commented 3 years ago

Hello! Awesome site.

Here's an implementation of the "Remarkable Rookies" army from Chess With Different Armies -- let me know if you'd be interested in merging this in! (FWIW, it doesn't matter too much to me if you don't want to merge this in, though -- I probably could host my own fork in that case.)

There are a few things that are incomplete here (rules page, translations, piece images, DRYing a bit of code in base_rules.js that I changed, and I also haven't done that much testing yet), but the meat of it (piece movement) is done so I figured I'd get this up to get any feedback and see if you'd be interested in merging this in at all!

If you would be interested in that, I can finish up the unfinished parts and address any feedback you have.

Let me know!

Some notes (for my sake, so I don't lose these) on where the temp piece images came from:

upside down knight: Ball/*h.svg
upside down rook:   Rococo/*m.svg     -> *d.svg
bow:                Fugue/*a.svg
knight+rook:        Absorption/*e.svg -> *s.svg
prendradjaja commented 3 years ago

closing for now -- will reopen later after adapting to new "options" concept (and maybe also do CWDA variant with existing Colorbound army first)