yahoo / CMAK

CMAK is a tool for managing Apache Kafka clusters
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Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error) #395

Open zaqwsxa opened 7 years ago

zaqwsxa commented 7 years ago

kafka's are in cluster between 2 servers on this server I have 3 instances kafka with different port IOS: oracle linux 4.1.12-61.1.18.el7uek.x86_64

also I added a file with myid (each instances has diffrent number)

How I'm running kafka manager ./bin/kafka-manager -Dconfig.file=conf/application.conf -Dkafka-manager.zkhosts="x.x.x.x:6081" -Dhttp.port=80

[info] o.a.z.ZooKeeper - Client environment:user.dir=/app/kafka-manager- [info] o.a.z.ZooKeeper - Initiating client connection, connectString=x.x.x.x:6081 sessionTimeout=60000 watcher=org.apache.curator.ConnectionState@75973366 [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Opening socket connection to server x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x:6081. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error) [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Socket connection established to x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x:6081, initiating session [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Unable to read additional data from server sessionid 0x0, likely server has closed socket, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect [info] k.m.a.KafkaManagerActor - zk=x.x.x.x:6081 [info] k.m.a.KafkaManagerActor - baseZkPath=/kafka-manager [info] play.api.Play - Application started (Prod) [info] p.c.s.NettyServer - Listening for HTTP on /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:80 [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Opening socket connection to server x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x:6081. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error) [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Socket connection established to x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x:6081, initiating session [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Unable to read additional data from server sessionid 0x0, likely server has closed socket, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Opening socket connection to server x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x:6081. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error) [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Socket connection established to x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x:6081, initiating session [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Unable to read additional data from server sessionid 0x0, likely server has closed socket, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Opening socket connection to server x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x:6081. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error) [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Socket connection established to x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x:6081, initiating session [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Unable to read additional data from server sessionid 0x0, likely server has closed socket, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Opening socket connection to server x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x:6081. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error) [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Socket connection established to x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x:6081, initiating session [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Unable to read additional data from server sessionid 0x0, likely server has closed socket, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Opening socket connection to server x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x:6081. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error) [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Socket connection established to x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x:6081, initiating session [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Unable to read additional data from server sessionid 0x0, likely server has closed socket, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect [error] k.m.ApiError$ - error : Ask timed out on [ActorSelection[Anchor(akka://kafka-manager-system/), Path(/user/kafka-manager)]] after [5000 ms] akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException: Ask timed out on [ActorSelection[Anchor(akka://kafka-manager-system/), Path(/user/kafka-manager)]] after [5000 ms] at akka.pattern.PromiseActorRef$$anonfun$1.apply$mcV$sp(AskSupport.scala:334) ~[com.typesafe.akka.akka-actor_2.11-2.3.14.jar:na] at$$anon$ ~[com.typesafe.akka.akka-actor_2.11-2.3.14.jar:na] at scala.concurrent.Future$InternalCallbackExecutor$.unbatchedExecute(Future.scala:601) ~[org.scala-lang.scala-library-2.11.8.jar:na] at scala.concurrent.BatchingExecutor$class.execute(BatchingExecutor.scala:109) ~[org.scala-lang.scala-library-2.11.8.jar:na] at scala.concurrent.Future$InternalCallbackExecutor$.execute(Future.scala:599) ~[org.scala-lang.scala-library-2.11.8.jar:na] at$TaskHolder.executeTask(Scheduler.scala:467) ~[com.typesafe.akka.akka-actor_2.11-2.3.14.jar:na] at$$anon$8.executeBucket$1(Scheduler.scala:419) ~[com.typesafe.akka.akka-actor_2.11-2.3.14.jar:na] at$$anon$8.nextTick(Scheduler.scala:423) ~[com.typesafe.akka.akka-actor_2.11-2.3.14.jar:na] at$$anon$ ~[com.typesafe.akka.akka-actor_2.11-2.3.14.jar:na] at [na:1.8.0_121] [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Opening socket connection to server x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x:6081. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error) [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Socket connection established to x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x:6081, initiating session [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Unable to read additional data from server sessionid 0x0, likely server has closed socket, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Opening socket connection to server x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x:6081. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error) [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Socket connection established to x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x:6081, initiating session [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Unable to read additional data from server sessionid 0x0, likely server has closed socket, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Opening socket connection to server x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x:6081. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error) [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Socket connection established to x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x:6081, initiating session [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Unable to read additional data from server sessionid 0x0, likely server has closed socket, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Opening socket connection to server x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x:6081. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error) [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Socket connection established to x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x:6081, initiating session [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Unable to read additional data from server sessionid 0x0, likely server has closed socket, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Opening socket connection to server x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x:6081. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error) [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Socket connection established to x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x:6081, initiating session [info] o.a.z.ClientCnxn - Unable to read additional data from server sessionid 0x0, likely server has closed socket, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect

GZ315200 commented 7 years ago

so do i

fantine16 commented 6 years ago

so do i

Dougoc commented 6 years ago

so do i

prasanjit- commented 6 years ago

so do i :)

coolspring1293 commented 6 years ago

so do i

mrromadon commented 6 years ago

so do i 👍

csarora commented 6 years ago

I am also getting same error, any solution ? works ok when i have one zookeeper server but for more than one zookeeper then Kafka fails with below error:

[2018-02-16 12:32:43,864] INFO Socket connection established to, initiating session (org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn)
[2018-02-16 12:32:43,866] INFO Unable to read additional data from server sessionid 0x0, likely server has closed socket, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect (org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn)

2018-02-16 12:32:49,027] FATAL Fatal error during KafkaServer startup. Prepare to shutdown (kafka.server.KafkaServer)
org.I0Itec.zkclient.exception.ZkTimeoutException: Unable to connect to zookeeper server ',,' with timeout of 9000 ms
    at org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient.connect(
    at org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient.<init>(
    at org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient.<init>(
    at kafka.utils.ZkUtils$.createZkClientAndConnection(ZkUtils.scala:106)
    at kafka.utils.ZkUtils$.apply(ZkUtils.scala:88)
    at kafka.server.KafkaServer.initZk(KafkaServer.scala:326)
    at kafka.server.KafkaServer.startup(KafkaServer.scala:187)
    at kafka.server.KafkaServerStartable.startup(KafkaServerStartable.scala:39)
    at kafka.Kafka$.main(Kafka.scala:67)
    at kafka.Kafka.main(Kafka.scala)
[2018-02-16 12:32:49,030] INFO shutting down (kafka.server.KafkaServer)
RymMichaut commented 6 years ago

So do I but with Zookeeper and Druid

boisde commented 6 years ago

So do I.

sashati commented 6 years ago

So do I in Druid for Zookeeper cluster

mohithg commented 6 years ago

Any updates here?

karakasli commented 6 years ago

So do I?

xmzDesign commented 6 years ago

So do I.

melwynjensen commented 6 years ago

So do I.

::Update:: Found the issue, it was an internal communication problem with Kafka to Zookeeper as it was not able to reach the node. Reassigned the nodes properly and it was up and running.

ZeinabAshjaei commented 6 years ago

So do I.

swapneeldatta commented 6 years ago

So do I

pulyavin commented 5 years ago

So do I

AftabVirtual commented 5 years ago

So do I

pulyavin commented 5 years ago

I set maxClientCnxns=1000 in ZooKeeper conf and it helps me

musclehi commented 5 years ago

so do i

arumoy commented 5 years ago

So do I.

::Update:: Found the issue, it was an internal communication problem with Kafka to Zookeeper as it was not able to reach the node. Reassigned the nodes properly and it was up and running.

How did you re-assign the nodes?

MagicJohnJang commented 5 years ago

Finally work! You got to create a cluster in Zookeeper first, then start Kafka!

Because you give Kafka multiple zookeeper addresses, which means you tell Kafka to connect to a cluster.

mhorne commented 5 years ago

so do i :slightly_smiling_face:

MCKad commented 5 years ago

So do I.

subatheesh commented 4 years ago

so do i

sl2026 commented 4 years ago


realzhangqingwei commented 4 years ago


PeiyuanQi commented 4 years ago


Maxtaoge commented 4 years ago

so do i

JonnyLewis commented 4 years ago

so do i

batmanneverdie commented 4 years ago


become-nice commented 4 years ago


Best1s commented 4 years ago

so do i

binaryjerry commented 4 years ago

so do i

gulsenbi commented 3 years ago

Same error, still continue in 2021.

qzwlinux commented 3 years ago

Same error, still continue in 2021.

forwardxao commented 3 years ago

so do i

forwardxao commented 3 years ago

you are very not good

sxiii commented 3 years ago

Same here, any solutions? :)

jinjin9527 commented 3 years ago

So do I...

nithin1117 commented 2 years ago

I set maxClientCnxns=1000 in ZooKeeper conf and it helps me

how do you set that?, can you explain elaborately

ranryl commented 2 years ago

So do I

daeyoungwon-dev commented 1 year ago

So do I

Shavakan commented 1 year ago

So do I

jungnoh commented 1 year ago

So do I

petermok-1213 commented 1 year ago

So do I

ChuanGoing commented 2 months ago


qianghong000 commented 2 weeks ago
