Does Protractor-retry supports allure report?
onPrepare() {
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new AllureReporter({
cleanDestination: true,
resultsDir: './allure-results',
takeScreenshotsOnlyOnFailures: true,
When we are using retry it generates an Xml file in allure-results.When we re-run the results are duplicated?
Does this plugin support cucumber?
Does Protractor-retry supports allure report? onPrepare() { browser.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(4000); jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new AllureReporter({ cleanDestination: true, resultsDir: './allure-results', takeScreenshotsOnlyOnFailures: true, })); } When we are using retry it generates an Xml file in allure-results.When we re-run the results are duplicated? Does this plugin support cucumber?