I added a test case that ensures concurrent reads with WAL were always working, and I discovered that such a test would fail on API 15 because we enable WAL in onConfigure, which was added in API 16. I thought we could patch this at the open helper level by having the open helper for stock android manually call onConfigure after onOpen. @jdkoren what do you think? It seems like a nice convenience for older API levels still be able to use the onConfigure hook. The order of callbacks will be slightly different pre-16, but I doubt that would matter much for most use cases.
I added a test case that ensures concurrent reads with WAL were always working, and I discovered that such a test would fail on API 15 because we enable WAL in onConfigure, which was added in API 16. I thought we could patch this at the open helper level by having the open helper for stock android manually call onConfigure after onOpen. @jdkoren what do you think? It seems like a nice convenience for older API levels still be able to use the onConfigure hook. The order of callbacks will be slightly different pre-16, but I doubt that would matter much for most use cases.