yahoo / storm-yarn

Storm-yarn enables Storm clusters to be deployed into machines managed by Hadoop YARN.
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optimize the command help, and add build version in VERSION #59

Closed clockfly closed 10 years ago

clockfly commented 10 years ago

Changes: 1) Add a method getHeaderDescription() in Command interface. When displaying command help, will also display the header. It can be description of this command, and can be a example command line. 2) Change public void process(CommandLine cl, @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Map stormConf) throws Exception;

to public void process(CommandLine cl) throws Exception; Each command should be free to decide how to parse the command line, instead of we parsing it for the user.

I will add more storm commands into this command list, and it depends on this. These command includes storm topoogy kill, rebalance, and list.

3) Change a version string to a Version class. We add a BUILD number in the Version, so it is more easy for us the track the changes in a mixed deployment environment.

revans2 commented 10 years ago

Thanks this looks great. Just one minor comment.

clockfly commented 10 years ago

Thank you, this is updated.

revans2 commented 10 years ago

+1 looks good to me.