Hi again! I had an edge case when the mode is set to select. First let's clarify that the error only appears in Chrome and it is exactly this one Stackoverflow, see section '2024 Update' for the open bug in Chrome issue tracker.
To trigger the error follow these steps:
Use Chrome obviously
Go to Jsbin and select an initial value from the dropdown
Now use the keyboard to remove part of the input but not all (leave for example a "T" or "O") so that another value shows up in the dropdown and the input still contains a letter
Now select a different value than before using the keyboard with arrows + Enter (with the mouse everything works fine)
The error Uncaught NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is no longer a child of this node. Perhaps it was moved in a 'blur' event handler? is triggered and tagify fails to correctly fill the input
What is the expected behavior?
The input reflects the new value
What is happening instead?
The input goes blank
What error message are you getting?Uncaught NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is no longer a child of this node. Perhaps it was moved in a 'blur' event handler?
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Hi again! I had an edge case when the mode is set to
. First let's clarify that the error only appears in Chrome and it is exactly this one Stackoverflow, see section '2024 Update' for the open bug in Chrome issue tracker. To trigger the error follow these steps:Uncaught NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is no longer a child of this node. Perhaps it was moved in a 'blur' event handler?
is triggered and tagify fails to correctly fill the inputUncaught NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is no longer a child of this node. Perhaps it was moved in a 'blur' event handler?