yairm210 / Unciv

Open-source Android/Desktop remake of Civ V
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Missing features from Civ V - G&K #4697

Open xlenstra opened 3 years ago

xlenstra commented 3 years ago

This issue is meant as a collection of all G&K features that have not yet been implemented, but we are planning to implement. If you know such a feature that is not listed below, please comment on this thread, and we'll add it to the list.

The old version of this issue can be found as #663, but it contains lots of discussion on issues that have long been solved, cluttering up the issue. Furthermore, multiple new issues have been posted there, but have not been added to the original post. This new issue is meant as a clean slate, including all the open issues from the old version, but leaving all finished baggage behind.

Major things:







Seraj3369 commented 2 years ago

Hello i really loved every detail of this game what i like to see is a trader and trader route. If it possible to make the worker auto build the roads cause it take alot of time to do it manually and thx.

xlenstra commented 2 years ago

Hello i really loved every detail of this game what i like to see is a trader and trader route. If it possible to make the worker auto build the roads cause it take alot of time to do it manually and thx.

Traders are a BNW feature, which we're currently not working on. Setting a worker to build a road to another tile is something we're working on and will be implemented eventually. Its also already in this list as 'build road to action for workers'

Alissonpg2 commented 2 years ago

English: I just want Brazil I just need it nothing else thanks for reading :) pr BR :Eu só quero o Brasil só preciso disso mais nada obrigado por ler :)

OptimizedForDensity commented 2 years ago

Brazil will be added to Unciv once the Brave New World ruleset is added, but you can play as Brazil using mods such as the Brave New World mod.

Mechworks-all-day commented 1 year ago

Could we get the extremely common "Annihilation" victory condition (EG, destroy/conquer all other civilizations) so we can play with no Game Stoppers if we want? (This honestly should just be the default victory condition that's always on, because, well, obviously if you're the only civilization that exists you've won right?)

Ccokone commented 1 year ago
  • replay functionality; graphs; map timelapse; game log.

looking forward "replay functionality; graphs; map timelapse; game log"

Vitaly220712 commented 1 year ago

Please add the parameter "warDuration" to the file "Speeds.json". Thank you very much!

FiretronP75 commented 1 year ago

Unit Promotion Notification (especially important for fortified units). I accidentally skip half of them because it is so subtle.

yairm210 commented 1 year ago

Unit Promotion Notification (especially important for fortified units). I accidentally skip half of them because it is so subtle.

Excellent idea, added :)

FiretronP75 commented 1 year ago


Civ 5 had an auto save at turn 0 (before anyone took any action). I use it sometimes when I accidentally do something stupid within the first 3 turns and don't want to generate a new map.

Smashfanful commented 1 year ago

I actually miss the Civilization intros, the ones that ended with "Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?".

Vitaly220712 commented 1 year ago

Feature Request: Add "startingFaith" parameter to "Eras.json" file.

mazzdriver commented 1 year ago

Not a G&K's feature but BNW's one: Merchant of Venice in Civ5 has ability to buy the whole city-state instead of very good trade as a regular Great Trader. In Unciv this Merchant cannot do so. So gameplay of Venice have a lot of difference between Unciv and C5. Screenshot C5 on Fandom Screenshot C5 on Fandom Screenshot Civilopedia Rus

SpacedOutChicken commented 1 year ago

According to the Civilization wiki, a city's local happiness can't exceed its population, so a city with population 5 can't have happiness higher than 5. This upper limit doesn't currently exist in Unciv.

letstalkaboutdune commented 1 year ago

@xlenstra, I believe these boxes may be checked as the features have been implemented:

image image image

xlenstra commented 1 year ago

@xlenstra, I believe these boxes may be checked as the features have been implemented:

image image

I can't confirm that these have in fact been implemented, due to my inactivity, but if another developer who has been active recently can confirm that, they're free to check those boxes

letstalkaboutdune commented 1 year ago

That's fair! I just pinged you since you are the OP. I also missed one feature about border replays and edited that into my earlier comment.

SomeTroglodyte commented 1 year ago

Say, that "Wonders providing happiness do so when it is in your border, not necessarily when worked" entry - wasn't there some discussion around this, is that worded accurately? The current +1 for everybody that's even seen it - is that still valid independently from that sentence? And individually, we have the "provides yields without being worked", and one or two wonders have that, and it works - within city radius - and feels right?

xlenstra commented 1 year ago

Say, that "Wonders providing happiness do so when it is in your border, not necessarily when worked" entry - wasn't there some discussion around this, is that worded accurately?

I can't remember this discussion or might not have been part of it, but as far as I've tested it and/or remember seeing screenshots by Ravignir, it seems accurate to me. The only thing that might be different (and I haven't got the time to test this) is that it applies to all tiles that have a base yield of happiness, which could happen through some pantheon beliefs, for example. And of course it could be limited by city radius, haven't tested that either.

The current +1 for everybody that's even seen it - is that still valid independently from that sentence?


bkfirmen commented 1 year ago

This is more of a quality of life improvement, but what is still missing from the original CIV 5 is the search function in the civilopedia. Sometimes you need to scroll a lot f.e. to find a unit, it would be easier to just search for it.

simon1tan1 commented 1 year ago

If there are Promotions, modal should be automatically opened and cannot be skipped.

CodyStorms commented 1 year ago

Request to make Future Technology useful

Hello, I first wanted to say I have been playing the game for a couple years and am incredibly grateful for all the work you put into while still keeping it open source.

One thing I have noticed is that future technology is essentially a dead end with no purpose. I propose making it so each time you research future technology, it provides 1% strength to all units, and or 1% productivity bonus, and or 1% happiness bonus, and or 1% crop yield bonus. Researching the Future Technology tech could have a compounding cost to prevent it from becoming abused. While this is a just a general idea, I believe it would add more value to science in the end game, especially if scientific victory is disabled. This feature could also be optional and selected during game setup. My apologies if I did the format wrong

CodyStorms commented 1 year ago

Religious Policy

The role of religion has added an interesting element to the gameplay and certainly made it far more dynamic. However, there are a few areas which I believe could use improvement, primarily the number of religious that can be founded as well as the inquisitor function.

1.) The number of religions that can be made should be an option when setting up the game, in which a custom amount could be selected. If a custom option is not selected and religion is enabled, the number of foundable religions will follow current rules which I believe is around 1/2 or 3/5ths of all major civilizations.

2.) Inquisitors & Expulsion - Inquisitors are largely ineffective in the game, with Great Prophets and missionaries generally acting as better alternatives. I argue that there should be an option to expel all foreign religions from a city (or all cities). Expulsion could either be a specific religious precept that is chosen when founding a religion, a perk of Spain, etc... The cost of this is a temporary stall on growth in the city that suffers expulsion, as well as decline in the relationship with the religion that state originated from. For example, if Spain was to expel the religion of the Ottomans, the Ottomans would have a more negative view of Spain.

3.) Religious Demands - the demand section currently only includes: don't settle near me. A demand to either convert to a religion (which would cause a temporary but significant increase in the religious pressure of the religion which the state was demanded to convert to if accepted), or a demand to stop sending missionary and great prophet units into a nations border (which would last for 50 turns). While this would not stop organic growth, this would give strong nations the ability to have greater, and more historically accurate, control over their religion. Obviously, either demand would cause a significant drop in relationship, with a greater drop in the preindustrial (and therefor more religious) age.

4.) Clergy - typical feudal systems function on the three estates system. Having temples provide a single religious job (which could produce 2 faith and 1 culture), would make the game more interesting and more realistic. It would also give players the decision of whether or not they want to focus on faith production at the expense of other production. This would be akin to how amphitheaters provide culture jobs.

5.) Crusade - A choice when founding religious which allows you to declare a crusade and automatically convert any city you capture to your religion. However, declaring a crusade instantly angers any state not aligned with your religion, and can potentially trigger unrest in cities. Perhaps certain other debuffs apply. Other ways to make it more balanced is by making it where crusades can only be used to take back cities that once had the religion.

I hope you consider these ideas and find them to be helpful

itanasi commented 1 year ago

@CodyStorms: While I appreciate your enthusiasm, this thread is for tracking the base game mechanics that haven't been implemented yet. Since each of your suggestions are outside of that scope, please move them to their own thread.

SpacedOutChicken commented 1 year ago

If a Wonder is destroyed by razing the city it's in, it should be impossible to build the Wonder again, since that's how Civilization V handles it.

Enriquehub71 commented 1 year ago

debes implementar una opción de comprár casillas a otras civilizaciónes y también vender casillas.

ElEmilius commented 11 months ago

Yo opinó que deberías implementar más civilizaciones como Macedonia, Polonia-lituania,Esparta, Hawaii,etc

SomeTroglodyte commented 9 months ago

I miss "Achievements (Google Play exclusive)" which was present in predecessors to this "thread" (#1935, #663). Sometimes I miss the (Civ3 I think) "Congratulations, you are the first to circumnavigate the world" one. Also, this one just tickles the fancy as they say...

Thing is, they need not be SpyPlay exclusive. See shattered's Badges - they work locally stored ~, or I believe they sync to GP too~ (Edit: Checked SP's Badges.java and AndroidPlatformSupport.java - no they don't). We could reuse the Unique triggers concept and create a GrantAchievement Unique, some json for the nice texts, one icon and one optional splashscreen each, one UI screen. Later we could add syncing them up to Play. Pity those (censored) demand registering an ID for each achievement on their console first...

SomeTroglodyte commented 9 months ago

On (Natural) "Wonders providing happiness do so when it is in your border, not necessarily when worked" -

PizzaProgram commented 9 months ago

Please add: +1 button -1 button

to the trading (gold setup) window, not just +5 -5 ... etc.

it is very complicated to correct the number on a touchscreen. (If virtual keyboard is opened >> the window is closing.)

SomeTroglodyte commented 9 months ago

Please add

That is not a "Missing features from Civ V - G&K"

willjallen commented 9 months ago

You should be able to queue multiple research paths (i.e by holding shift). Currently you can queue down a single track:

Example: image Or: image

I believe it was a feature in vanilla Civ V that you could hold shift and select optics and then philosophy and the queue order would be


SeventhM commented 9 months ago

Oh, shoot, @yairm210 the feature request form is mentioning this every time and is causing the messages to show up here

faerytea commented 8 months ago

'Build road to' action for workers

Seems completed?

Danid15 commented 7 months ago

Podria ser bueno que en el juego haya rebeliones, que una ciudad o un grupo de ciudades se rebelen o que aparezcan unidades rebeldes, tambien podrían agregar grupos de interés a los que mantener felices con acciones politicas, y acciones politicas que cambien el curso de la nación.

lolafur commented 5 months ago

Hi all. I propose @yairm210 to improve and make the gameplay in Unciv more realistic. I propose to introduce a small detail into the game that will relate to diplomacy and declaration of war. Usually, even friendly cities or allies can suddenly declare war on you. However, this war has no basis. It would be possible to provide some reason why friendly cities or allies declare war. The reasons for declaring war can be different: the enemy has a strong army and the AI wants to weaken the army, intrusive religious politics, troops are located very close to the borders, or cultural superiority and the enemy wants to weaken your state. I have suggested perhaps strange reasons for declaring war, but in this way the declared war will have a basis. But in the game it turns out that there is no basis for war. Today he is your ally, and tomorrow he just hates you for no reason.

SeventhM commented 5 months ago

@lolafur #4674

Also, if you're request has anything to do with gameplay mechanics, rather than just in general more information from the AI (like Civ 5 may have) then it doesn't fit with this issue

lolafur commented 5 months ago

Also, if you're request has anything to do with gameplay mechanics, rather than just in general more information from the AI (like Civ 5 may have) then it doesn't fit with this issue

The way I see it, the AI is involved in gameplay, so I added my suggestion here

foolishgrunt commented 5 months ago

Regardless, this thread is for tracking features that are as yet missing from Civilization V: Gods & Kings. If that doesn't describe your suggestion, it belongs in a new thread.

PLynx01 commented 4 months ago

On larger maps, unhappiness from the amount of (annexed) cities is slightly decreased

Should it be made through global uniques, or hardcored?

Maybe should we add the map size filter?

Green-Sky commented 2 months ago

'Remove [feature] and build improvement' action for workers

Since there is the "Pick now!" option now, this can be marked done, right?

carriontrooper commented 1 month ago

Huh, can't the wonder bit use a modified "Tile provides yield without assigned population"? Maybe "Tile provides [stat] yield without assigned population <in [your] tiles>"?

SpacedOutChicken commented 1 month ago

There's actually a feature from vanilla Civ V that's missing, but which is now possible to implement. The vanilla Great Artist has the ability to "culture bomb" and capture territory, similar to what the Citadel does in G&K. The new unique for territory capture allows us to do that. I tested it with "Gain control over [all] tiles in a [1]-tile radius <in tiles adjacent to [your]> <by consuming this unit>" and it works, but there are two issues.

The first issue is a bug: if you do this, you will get a notification that your own civilization has stolen territory from you.

The second issue is that in Civ V, there is a cool-down period after each culture bombing, preventing you from doing the same action for 9 turns according to my sources. I don't know of any way to currently implement that cool-down period using existing techniques.

My source: https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Great_Artist_(Civ5)

yairm210 commented 1 month ago

I can think of a way with stockpiled resources taking the place of timers but it's kinda hacky It's target have hacky moddability than nice but hardcoded though