As indicated in my prior email, possibly the underneath suggestions could be incorporated in the respective figures?
Spatial TasMin Plot:
Add °C to the colourbar
Title: possibly revise into: "Minimum temperature anomaly for CITY" (we can explain in the figure caption that it is the anomaly with the respect to the surroundings?).
Could the city be mentioned in the Title - this would make it easier for interpretation.
Y-axis: change into: Minimum temperature anomaly (°C)
Tasmin Anomaly plots:
Rename "not urban mean" into "surroundings mean" or "vicinity mean"
Title: possibly revise into: "Minimum temperature anomaly for CITY"
Could the city be mentioned in the Title - this would make it easier for interpretation.
Urban observations: change colour into black, for surroundings observations, possibly another colour? green?
Y-axis: change into: Minimum temperature anomaly (°C)
@JavierDiezSierra @yaizaquintana,
As indicated in my prior email, possibly the underneath suggestions could be incorporated in the respective figures?
Spatial TasMin Plot:
Tasmin Anomaly plots: