yajatyadav / intellijs

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Eric FRQ Showing 2 (Reflection + Crossover Feedback) #26

Open elw55555 opened 2 years ago

elw55555 commented 2 years ago


9/9 FRQs completed and 3 have input (Unit9Q1, Unit9Q1, Unit3Q1 and Unit6Q1 in attempt with scanners)

FRQs Compared: 10, 9Q2, and 3

FRQ Comparisons: Firstly, Devam's work is on his PBL where the input and output is displayed on a frontend while mine's is on a Repl where the input and output are all in console.

FRQ 10: I had tester methods and for the input I just used a main method as a tester class with the NumberSystem function. Devam had an input system on the frontend that printed the reduced fraction below. We all had similar methods for recursion where we used the gcf to calculate for the reduced fractions where we both divided the numerator and denominator by the gcf by making a recursive call and then finding the answer to print.

FRQ 9 Question 2: I have a separate method from acquiring the input through Main. Devam went beyond the FRQ and had a link to the FRQ to any animal species that was inputted. I stuck mostly with the FRQ to include the tusk length of the elephant portion in lieu of Devam's output with the wikipedia pages. We both had inputs, but mine were through console and his was through his frontend input.

FRQ 3: In this FRQ, I had an input through scanners while Devam did not implement inputs for this one, but he has a tester method within a tester class. Devam returned all his outputs as a single object array in order to be able to display outputs on the HTML in his frontend, while I just returned mine as simple strings because mine were all in the console. Our formats for the if-else statements were pretty much identical. For the drawsquare FRQ, we both used the math function heavily in order to draw the squares as it was a focus on the Unit.

Wiki Page with FRQ Links & Reflections Crossover Grading of Devam Video Overview Link

devamshri commented 2 years ago