yajatyadav / intellijs

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Yajat FRQ Showing 2 (Reflection and Crossover Feedback) #29

Open yajatyadav opened 2 years ago

yajatyadav commented 2 years ago


9/9 FRQs completed, 5 have input/output (U2Q1, U3Q1, U3Q2, U4Q1, U4Q2, U5Q1, U5Q2, U6Q1, U6Q2)

Analysis and Reflection (Partner- Harry Li):

Overall- I completed 9/9 of the FRQs, 5 have input/output. While I used a Repl and embedded it on my About Page, Harry implemented his FRQs to receive inputs/ display outputs directly onto his PBL.

FRQs compared: Unit 6 Q1, Unit 4 Q1, Unit 6 Q2

Unit 6 Question 1:

Unit 4 Question 1:

Unit 6 Question 2:

Summary Reflection : Overall, I think that I did a good job effectively constructing algorithms to accomplish a certain task in all of my FRQs. I also had easy-to-follow user inputs and outputs. I also gave the user more freedom than Harry's FRQs, such as inputting a list of any size, and having the option to change variables like the bonus rate. An area I could improve upon is the presentation. I used a Repl menu for my FRQs, and it would instead be more user-friendly and aesthetic to integrate my FRQs directly into my PBL and use Java and HTML to have features such as forms for user input, a submit button, tables to display final results, etc.

Links: All FRQs Wiki with Key Learnings for each FRQ Crossover Grading of Harry (link to issue) Github source of FRQs About Page w/ embedded Repl

wiz124 commented 2 years ago

Score 10/10

9/9 FRQs completed All nine FRQs can be found in one replit project.

5 have input/output on the menu, I checked FRQ3 and 6 which both are running correctly with user inputs.

There is an FRQ wiki page with the code for each completed FRQ. Showing the tangibles is neat. It is solid evidence that you did them in which your bullet points helped to clarify the purpose behind your code. One thing I noticed is that you should add deeper reflections for each FRQ. Some of your bullet points don't make it clear that you learned something.

The Github of source for every FRQ can be found under one link. Very convenient.

Grows: When I was prompted to enter an input on 6, I was confused at first as to what input to give which caused an error in replit when I entered a string. Maybe next time clarify on your frqs what kind of input you would want from the user or have your code be able to handle more types errors. Having FRQ 1 in there was kind of confusing as well. I tried to test the test the first frq but ended up spamming one. If you want to avoid user confusion, I would suggest you remove the FRQ1 from the menu. Another thing you could do is implement a wait because when the user is done inputting the values, the program gives no time for the user to see the results. It just goes straight back to the menu.

Glows: One thing I thought was cool was being able to embed Replit with your about page. I thought that it was very convenient thing to do since it saves the user some time. Your menu and inputs were easy to manage as well. It was great that you had your code be able to handle some common errors that might happen like choosing 7 when it has only 1,2,3,4,5,6.