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Kyle FRQ Showing 2 #30

Open kylem314 opened 2 years ago

kylem314 commented 2 years ago


Crossover: Kevin Do

kylem314 commented 2 years ago

Comparison FRQs: 8, 9, and 10

Unit 8

Our code was similar overall, using nested for loops to traverse the 2d array in the getHighestYield method, and checking crop type in sameCrop. A small difference is that in the constructor for experimental farm, I used this.farmPlots = p instead of simply cloning the array like Kevin which may have been better.

Unit 9

Our code was mostly similar for the books, including creating and displaying them - the main difference is that Kevin was able to put his on their website.
For the animals, our code is nearly identical - though I created my objects in menu to make it easier to add input.

Unit 10

Kevin used better logic for finding the gcf, resulting in more concise code for the first part. After that, our methods for reducing fractions were very similar

kevin-dough commented 2 years ago

Score: 10/10

image Easy to follow, very straightforward, menu and access FRQs.

kylem314 commented 2 years ago

Summary / Reflection

Overall, I think I did well on the FRQ's, being able to complete all of them and including space for user input on most. My code was typically efficient as well, though there were a couple questions where the logic could be improved in order to make it easier to read and quicker to compile, most notably FRQ 10 Question 1. I could improve by putting it on a website (MVC), which would allow more options for user input and displaying output, as seen in Kevin's project. This would make them more visually appealing and easier to navigate while allowing me to practice other skills such as frontend code on the website. Finally, adding comments to all FRQs instead of just where it would help me would be something I can improve on since it makes the code more readable for others as well as making it easier to go back and change things.