yajiemiao / pdnn

PDNN: A Python Toolkit for Deep Learning. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ymiao/pdnntk.html
Apache License 2.0
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Issue when Changing Number of Hidden Layers #20

Closed mclaughlin6464 closed 9 years ago

mclaughlin6464 commented 9 years ago

I was playing with the examples and encountered a problem. I modified "784:1024:1024:10" in run.sh line 23 to be just "784:1024:10" And it no longer runs correctly. I noticed in the theano debug that the shapes of the two W's (for the hidden layer and the logistic layer) are (784, 1024) and (1024,1024) while the delta_W have shapes (784, 1024) and (1024, 10). So the delta_W's have the right shape but the W's somehow have the wrong shape. How could this be happening?

mclaughlin6464 commented 9 years ago

I did not delete .tmp files, and they were being loaded in and causing conflicts.