yajiemiao / pdnn

PDNN: A Python Toolkit for Deep Learning. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ymiao/pdnntk.html
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Was I doing something wrong? KeyError: 'W0'? #36

Open henrychangus opened 8 years ago

henrychangus commented 8 years ago


After setting up by following the document, I changed directory to "/pdnn/examples/mnist" and executed "sh run.sh." Although the error rates were different from what was put on the README.md, I believed it should be caused by numerical round-off error since I can see the error rates kept reducing iteration by iteration.

After run.sh was done, I re-executed "sh run.sh", in def _file2nnet(layers, set_layer_num = -1, filename='nnet.in', factor=1.0): filename='nnet.tmp' was actually read in and I got

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/tmp/ATLAS/linux_install/pdnn/cmds/run_DNN.py", line 87, in _file2nnet(dnn.layers, filename = wdir + '/nnet.tmp') File "/tmp/ATLAS/linux_install/pdnn/io_func/model_io.py", line 115, in _file2nnet layer.W.set_value(factor * np.asarray(string_2_array(nnet_dict[dict_a]), dtype=theano.config.floatX).reshape(mat_shape)) KeyError: 'W0'

I checked the file 'nnet.tmp', I found key = 'W2' and key = 'W3", but there was no 'W0' or 'W1'. (I do see 'W0 00', ... and 'W1 0 0...)

Was I doing something wrong?

Best, Henry