yajiemiao / pdnn

PDNN: A Python Toolkit for Deep Learning. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ymiao/pdnntk.html
Apache License 2.0
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Error the argument valid_data has to be specified #51

Closed irennerifire closed 6 years ago

irennerifire commented 6 years ago

Hello, I try to use your lib and have this error for the following request:

> python pdnn/cmds/run_MTL.py 
> --train-data "caco2_train.pkl|herg_train.pkl"\ 
> --valid-data "caco2_test.pkl|herg_test.pkl, partition=600m, random=True" \ 
> --task-number 2 --wdir /home/mariia\ 
> --shared-nnet-spec="4000:2000:1000:1000" --indiv-nnet-spec"1024:2000|1024:2000"\ --activation sigmoid/ \ 
> --param-output-file caco2_herg.mdl --cfg-output-file caco2_herg.cfg \ 
> --lrate="C:0.05:4" \ --momentum 0.9 \ --dropout-factor 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.1 

What is wrong? I don't understand...

MaigoAkisame commented 6 years ago

I think you need to add a space before the backslash at the end of the second line.

irennerifire commented 6 years ago

No, there is a backslash before and after it, I tried different combinations and it doesn't work...

MaigoAkisame commented 6 years ago

I mean:

--train-data "caco2_train.pkl|herg_train.pkl"\
                                             ^ add a space here between the quote and the backslash

and maybe here as well:

--task-number 2 --wdir /home/mariia\
                                   ^ add a space here before the backslash
irennerifire commented 6 years ago

Oh, thanks! Now It has begun to count)