Hi! First of all, thank you so much for this exceptional package!
In a table of my database, I have encrypted columns along with columns in cleartext. I have created custom search filters with the filterColumn() function for encrypted columns, while I use the global search for those in cleartext.
I would need that global search not to be active in encrypted fields, is there a way to do it?
In fact, now I have many false positives in my results, especially for searches of few letters.
To better explain what is my problem, here is an example:
Users Table
User 1
Name (not encrypted): Jhon
User 2
Name (not encrypted): Max
Tax_Code (encrypted): eyJpdiI6IllvYVVcL1dabjJhoEWlwvQUExcnJhc0ZMUT09IiwidmFsdWUiOiJSU1dPeGFodVV5QWJPdFA2d2dIbzNOUTRYSHdPWW1keGRDVHZvWldVUmpwZ2JhTUxZOFZPVWJjV1k0RVdVenArIiwibWFjIjoiMzgwZGU0Yzg5ODEzYjRhMDcyMjQ4NGEyMzgwYjc2ZTNDY0NDFlOGI5MmZkYmU3YzVlZjlmNTU2ZTc0NzQzYyJ9
If I search for the jho value, I would get both users as a result, even if in fact User 2 would not make sense that returns within the results.
Hi! First of all, thank you so much for this exceptional package!
In a table of my database, I have encrypted columns along with columns in cleartext. I have created custom search filters with the filterColumn() function for encrypted columns, while I use the global search for those in cleartext.
I would need that global search not to be active in encrypted fields, is there a way to do it? In fact, now I have many false positives in my results, especially for searches of few letters.
To better explain what is my problem, here is an example:
If I search for the jho value, I would get both users as a result, even if in fact User 2 would not make sense that returns within the results.
Thanks a lot!
System details