yajra / pdo-via-oci8

PHP PDO_OCI functions via OCI8 extension
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Undefined constant "Yajra\Pdo\Oci8\SQLT_BOL" #131

Open mmn6d6d6e opened 1 year ago

mmn6d6d6e commented 1 year ago

Summary of problem or feature request

Encountering error Undefined constant "Yajra\Pdo\Oci8\SQLT_BOL" when executing stored procedure. To be more specific, when binding OUT parameter.

This works on my local machine, but not on the the another machine. The only difference I noticed between both machine are the OS version and php-oci8. Can't confirm yet.

Recompiled oci8 on the other machine using instantclient 12.2 and it works fine now. So maybe this require oci8 with at least instantclient 12.2?

Code snippet of problem

$stmt = DB::getPdo()->prepare($sqlQuery);
$stmt->bindParam('kd_detil', $kd_detil, 20, SQLT_INT);
// ^ this trigger the error
  Undefined constant "Yajra\Pdo\Oci8\SQLT_BOL"

  at vendor/yajra/laravel-pdo-via-oci8/src/Pdo/Oci8/Statement.php:351
    348▕                 $this->blobObjects[$parameter] = &$variable;
    349▕                 break;
  ➜ 351▕             case SQLT_BOL:
    352▕                 $ociType = SQLT_BOL;
    353▕                 break;
    355▕             default:

  1   app/Models/DetailKontrak.php:259

      +1 vendor frames 
  3   app/Console/Commands/SyncBkdCommand.php:227

System details (My PC, works)

System details (Other Machine, doesnt work)

System details (Other Machine, updated, works)