yakamara / yform

YForm für REDAXO 5 – Formulare im Frontend und Backend mit Verwaltung von Datenbank-Tabellen.
MIT License
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Call to a member function getComplexPerm() on null #685

Closed skerbis closed 5 years ago

skerbis commented 5 years ago

Ich erhalte den nachfolgenden Fehler im Frontend seit update auf yform 3.

Error: Call to a member function getComplexPerm() on null File: redaxo/src/addons/mediapool/lib/var_media.php Line: 78

Stacktrace | Function | File | Line | | -------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | | rex_var_media::getWidget | redaxo/src/addons/yform/plugins/manager/ytemplates/bootstrap/value.be_media.tpl.php | 20 | | include | redaxo/src/addons/yform/lib/yform/value/abstract.php | 144 | | rex_yform_value_abstract->parse | redaxo/src/addons/yform/plugins/manager/lib/yform/value/be_media.php | 18 | | rex_yform_value_be_media->enterObject | redaxo/src/addons/yform/lib/yform.php | 283 | | rex_yform->executeFields | redaxo/src/addons/yform/plugins/manager/lib/yform/manager/dataset.php | 568 | | rex_yform_manager_dataset->executeForm | rex:///module/61/output | 43 | | require | redaxo/cache/addons/structure/296.1.content | 4 | | require | redaxo/src/addons/structure/plugins/content/lib/article_content.php | 102 | | rex_article_content->getArticle | rex:///template/8 | 12 | | require | redaxo/src/addons/structure/plugins/content/lib/article_content_base.php | 416 | | rex_article_content_base->getArticleTemplate | redaxo/src/addons/structure/plugins/content/boot.php | 80 | | rex_package->{closure} | redaxo/src/core/lib/extension.php | 45 | | rex_extension::registerPoint | redaxo/src/core/frontend.php | 22 | | require | redaxo/src/core/boot.php | 152 | | require | index.php | 9 |
System report (REDAXO 5.7.0-beta2, PHP 7.1.26) | REDAXO | | | ------------: | :---------- | | Version | 5.7.0-beta2 | | PHP | | | ------------: | :--------- | | Version | 7.1.26 | | OPcache | yes | | Xdebug | no | | Database | | | ------------: | :---------------------- | | Version | 5.5.62-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 | | Character set | utf8 (utf8_general_ci) | | Server | | | ------------: | :--------- | | OS | Linux | | SAPI | fpm-fcgi | | Webserver | Apache | | Request | | | ------------: | :------------ | | Browser | Safari/12.0.3 | | Protocol | HTTP/1.0 | | HTTPS | yes | | Packages | | | --------------------------------: | :---------- | | adminer | 1.5.0 | | aufgaben | 4.1.0 | | backup | 2.3.0-beta2 | | be_password | 1.1.0 | | be_style | 2.7.0-beta2 | | be_style/customizer | 2.7.0-beta2 | | be_style/redaxo | 2.7.0-beta2 | | bloecks | 1.3.15 | | bloecks/cutncopy | 1.3.12 | | bloecks/dragndrop | 1.3.13 | | bloecks/status | 1.3.12 | | cke5 | 3.2.1 | | cropper | 1.0.2 | | focuspoint | 2.0.2 | | icecoder | 1.0.0 | | iconpicker | 1.0 | | install | 2.5.0-beta2 | | maintenance | 2.0.0-beta1 | | markitup | 3.2.0 | | mblock | 3.1.0 | | media_manager | 2.6.0-beta2 | | media_manager_plus | 2.0.0 | | mediapool | 2.5.0-beta2 | | metainfo | 2.3.2-beta2 | | mform | 5.2.4 | | mform/docs | 1.0 | | minify | 2.1.0 | | pdf_viewer | 1.0.1 | | pdfout | 1.6.0 | | phpmailer | 2.5.0-beta2 | | project | dev | | quick_navigation | 3.5.5 | | search_it | 6.6.3 | | search_it/documentation | 6.6.3 | | sked | 1.7.0 | | structure | 2.7.0-beta2 | | structure/content | 2.7.0-beta2 | | structure_tweaks | 1.1.1 | | theme | 1.1.1 | | ui_tools | 0.5.0 | | ui_tools/bootstrap-datetimepicker | 4.17.47 | | ui_tools/jquery-minicolors | 2.2.7 | | uikit_collection | 1.0.0-b8 | | uploader | 2.0.1 | | url | 1.0.1 | | users | 2.5.2-beta2 | | video | 2.0.0-beta1 | | watson | 2.1.0 | | ycom | 3.0-beta4 | | ycom/auth | 3.0-beta4 | | ycom/docs | 3.0-beta4 | | ycom/group | 3.0-beta4 | | yform | 3.0 | | yform/docs | 3.0 | | yform/email | 3.0 | | yform/manager | 3.0 | | yform/tools | 3.0 | | yform_geo_osm | 1.1.2 | | yform_usability | 1.4 | | yrewrite | 2.5 | | zip_install | 1.1 |
skerbis commented 5 years ago

hat sich geklärt. Es hat sich ein Feld reimgemogelt, das nicht gefiltert wurde.