yakforward-ou / yak_packages

a collection of packages for Flutter
MIT License
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[yak_runner] add runBypass #248

Closed iapicca closed 4 months ago

iapicca commented 4 months ago

if I want to wrap a function that use a a result and pass the same result to the next.

Future<Socket> _socket(SocketConfig config) =>
    Socket.connect(config.host, config.port);

Future<void> sendEmail(EmailData data) async {
  // Connect to the SMTP server
      // Wait for the server's greeting message
      .thenRunVoid((socket) => socket.first);
      /// TODO 
  // Send EHLO command to initiate the conversation
//    .thenRunVoid((socket) => socket.first)
//   //socket.writeln('EHLO ${data.payload.ehlo}');


import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';

void main() async {
  // Connect to the SMTP server
  final socket = await Socket.connect('smtp.example.com', 25);

  // Wait for the server's greeting message
  await socket.first;

  // Send EHLO command to initiate the conversation
  socket.writeln('EHLO example.com');
  await socket.flush();

  // Read and discard server response
  await socket.first;

  // Send MAIL FROM command
  socket.writeln('MAIL FROM:<sender@example.com>');
  await socket.flush();
  await socket.first;

  // Send RCPT TO command
  socket.writeln('RCPT TO:<recipient@example.com>');
  await socket.flush();
  await socket.first;

  // Send DATA command to start email data
  await socket.flush();
  await socket.first;

  // Send email content
  socket.writeln('Subject: Test Email');
  socket.writeln('From: <sender@example.com>');
  socket.writeln('To: <recipient@example.com>');
  socket.writeln('This is a test email.');

  // Flush the socket and read server response
  await socket.flush();
  await socket.first;

  // Send QUIT command to close the connection
  await socket.flush();

  // Close the socket
  await socket.close();